Moja ocjena: 3 / 5
Goodreads ocjena: 3.85 / 5
Prije nego krenem u razradu teme, htjela bih vas upitati: kako biste postupili kada bi vam se dala mogućnost uvida u sve tajne svijeta? Biste li tu mogućnost iskoristili? Na dobar ili loš način?
Ovako, kad si malo bolje razmislim, ukoliko bih došla u posjed neke određene tajne, ne znam što bih s tom informacijom učinila. Uostalom, nitko mi ne bi vjerovao jer ne bih imala dokaze. Ne bih osjetila to oduševljenje jer je jedna od najvećih tajni otkrivena upravo iz razloga što mi ne predstavlja neku osobnu frustraciju i želju za otkrićem.
Neke su tajne namijenjene da ostanu tajne - jer jednom kada se puste u javnost, gube na svojoj moći, razvodne se s vremenom i više nisu tajne. Neke su čak i opasne te mogu dovesti do neželjenih posljedica. Zato je bolje da ostanu zakopane ondje gdje jesu... Do trenutka kada i ako ikada trebaju ugledati svjetlo dana.
S druge strane, kada bih znala sve tajne svijeta, nestao bi taj osjećaj misterija i želje za otkrićem. Kako sam inače po prirodi znatiželjna osoba - volim istraživati, volim osjetiti trnce po tijelu kada se unosim u nešto što me zanima i što jedva čekam započeti te laganog otkrivanja istine. Dostupnost svih rješenja bi sav taj čar naprosto uništio. I što je još pritom potrebno naglasiti - imam svu slobodu ovog svijeta uživati u istraživanju onoga što volim i u čemu uživam.
A sada... zamislite si Englesku u viktorijansko doba - žene u ulozi kućanice, rodilje i majke. Žene koja ne smije progovoriti bez odobrenja svog muža. Žene koja ne smije biti pronađena sama u društvu muške osobe. Zamislite teške haljine sa hrpom podstava koje otežavaju hod i općenito kretanje. Tragediju umrljane rukavice. Nepravdu gdje se muškoj osobi pripisuje vrijednost i važnost, a žena, što god učinila, nije vrjednija od konja u staji. Također, zamislite se u situaciji u kojoj se razina vaše inteligencije mjeri veličinom vaše lubanje.
A sad si u svemu tomu zamislite djevojku, Faith, koju nitko ne doživljava i nitko ne shvaća ozbiljno, kako pokušava otkriti ubojicu svog oca. Njezine uzvike nitko ne čuje. Njezina noćna lutanja nitko ne zamjećuje. Ali ona uporno istražuje, baca mamce, prati događaje, čuva i proučava očeve spise kako bi došla do odgovora.
Faith je drugačija od ostalih djevojaka njezina vremena, uzrasta i inteligencije. Ona nije programirana lutkica koja na svaku riječ klima glavom i izgovara potvrdne riječi te pazi kako ne bi u javnosti napravila kakav sramotan korak. Faith razmišlja, istupa u situacijama u kojima bi trebala šutjeti, slaže kockice u glavi i ne boji se suočiti sa nepredviđenim i nepoznatim.
A sve to radi iz dva razloga: prvi je taj što je svog oca, kakav god on bio, voljela najviše na svijetu. A drugi je razlog jer ne vjeruje u predstavljenu joj istinu: da je otac počinio samoubojstvo bacivši se s litice ili da je poginuo nesretnim slučajem (što je zapravo priča za javnost).
Na tom putu, otkriva tzv. Drvo laži - mitološku biljku koja, ukoliko joj izrečete laž, ona vam zauzvrat otkriva tajnu. U Faithinom slučaju, tajna se odnosi na lice ubojice njezina oca.
Faith shvaća da je na tom putu sama, ali isto tako shvaća kako će morati poduzeti hrabre korake kako bi izrekla laž (a da se ne otkrije kako je od nje potekla), proširila ju među društvom i kako bi time osigurala dobivanje odgovora. Osim toga, kako njezine laži rastu, tako i Drvo raste te postaje sve veće i bogatije. Ali i opasnije, čime Faith dovodi sebe i svoju obitelj u opasnost.
Istraživala sam "Drvo laži" puno prije nego sam ju odlučila pročitati. Prema kratkom sadržaju, činila mi se dosta zanimljivom te vrstom knjige koja bi me mogla zaokupiti i probuditi tu želju da čitam i čitam sve dok ne dođem do odgovora. Iz tog sam ju razloga odlučila staviti malo ranije na raspored čitanja te se riješiti te "muke" oko otkrivanja tajni pomoću misterioznog drveta. S druge strane me zanimalo na koji način će Faith doći do odgovora na ključno pitanje: tko je ubojica i zašto?
Faith je odličan lik - karakteran, konkretan, inteligentan i snažan te predstavlja nekoga tko se nalazi ispred svog vremena. Osobu koja se ne boji istupiti i boriti za svoje ciljeve i istinu. Faith ima sjaj kojim zrači, ona ne želi živjeti u ulozi majke i domaćice već želi biti istraživačica, poput oca.
I zato mogu reći kako joj se divim. Divim se toj njezinoj snazi i osjećaju da se odupre društvu i ustaljenim politikama tog istog društva. Pa makar to značilo da je u očima društva zauvijek obeščašćena. Mnogi bi se "pokunjili" i pustili da život ide dalje, a možda bi se duboko u sebi grizli jer u danom trenutku nisu rekli što su trebali.
Divim se njezinoj brizi i neopisivoj ljubavi prema mlađem bratu. U to doba, muško dijete se tretiralo drugačije nego žensko dijete. Takvo je dijete već od prvog udisaja imalo sve povlastice koje djevojčica ne može dobiti. U očima roditelja, a pogotovo društva, muška djeca imaju vrijednost. S druge strane, u više se navrata u knjizi naglašava kako je djevojčica za obitelj, od prvog udaha, trošak - od hrane i odjeće pa sve do miraza koji treba biti dan u trenutku udaje. I točno sam se osjećala bezvrijedno u ulozi žene tog vremena - trošak, trošak - sve vezano uz pojam djevojčice, djevojke i žene jest trošak.
Ako ste u potrazi za nadnaravnim misterijem ili uživate u takvim temama, želim vas potaknuti da pročitate Drvo laži i da otkrijete kako svijet laži funkcionira, kako se s njima nositi kada se prošire među ljudima, što sa tajnom koju će vam Drvo otkriti, a što je najvažnije - koji je idući korak?
Do iduće objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga
My rating: 3/5
Goodreads rating: 3.85 / 5
Before I start with this topic, I would like to ask you: what would you do if you were given the opportunity to access all the secrets of the world? Would you take that opportunity? In a good or a bad way?
Thus, when I think about it a little better, if I came into possession of a certain secret, I do not know what I would do with that information. After all, no one would believe me because I would have no evidence. I would not feel that enthusiasm because one of the biggest secrets was revealed precisely because it does not represent to me any personal frustration and desire to discover.
Some secrets are meant to remain secrets - because once they are released to the public, they lose their power and are no longer secrets. Some are even dangerous and can lead to unwanted consequences. That's why it's better for them to stay buried where they are... Until the moment when and if they ever need to see the light of day.
On the other hand, if I knew all the secrets of the world, that sense of mystery and desire for discovery would disappear. As I am a curious person by nature - I like to explore, I like to feel tingles on my body when I get into something that interests me and I can't wait to start to discover the truth. The availability of all solutions would simply destroy all that charm. And what else needs to be emphasized - I have all the freedom in this world to enjoy exploring what I love and what I enjoy.
And now ... imagine England in Victorian times - women in the role of housewives and mothers. A woman who is not allowed to speak without her husband’s approval. A woman who must not be found alone in the company of a male person. Imagine heavy dresses with a pile of lining that make walking and movement difficult. The tragedy of the stained glove. Injustice where a man is ascribed value and importance, and a woman, whatever she does, is no more valuable than a horse in a stable. Also, imagine yourself in a situation where your level of intelligence is measured by the size of your skull.
And now in all of this, imagine a girl, Faith, who no one takes seriously, trying to discover her father's killer. No one hears her cries. Her nocturnal wanderings no one notices. But she persistently researches, throws baits, follows events, keeps and studies her father's writings in order to find the answer.
Faith is different from other girls of her time, age and intelligence. She is not a programmed puppet who nods her head at every word and utters affirmative words, being careful not to take any embarrassing steps in public. Faith thinks, acts in situations where she should be silent, puts the dice in her head and is not afraid to face the unforeseen and the unknown.
And she does all this for two reasons: the first is that she loved her father the most in the world. And the second reason is because she doesn’t believe in the truth presented to her: that her father committed suicide by throwing himself off a cliff or that he died in an accident (which is actually a public story).
Along the way, he discovers the so-called The lie tree - a mythological plant which, if you tell it a lie, it in turn reveals a secret to you. In Faith’s case, the secret relates to the face of her father’s killer.
Faith realizes that she is on that path alone, but she also realizes that she will have to take bold steps to tell a lie (without revealing how it originated from her), spread it among society, and thus secure an answer. In addition, as her lies grow, so does the Tree grow and becomes bigger and richer. But also more dangerous, and by this it puts Faith and her family in danger.
I researched “The lie tree” long before I decided to read it. According to the short content, I found it quite interesting as a kind of book that could occupy me and awaken that desire to read and read until I come up with an answer. For this reason, I decided to put it on the reading schedule a little earlier and get rid of this "trouble" of revealing secrets with the help of a mysterious tree. On the other hand, I wondered how Faith would come up with the answer to the key question: who is the killer and why?
Faith is a great character - intelligent, strong and represents someone who is ahead of her time. A person who is not afraid to stand up and fight for their goals and truth. Faith has her specific glow that radiates among the society, she doesn’t want to live in the role of a mother and housewife but wants to be an explorer, as her father.
And that's why I can say how much I admire her. I admire her strength and feel that she resists the society and its established policies. Even if it meant that in the eyes of society she was forever dishonored. Many would “repent” and let life go on, and maybe they would gnaw deep inside because at a given moment they didn’t say what they needed to.
I admire her care and indescribable love for her younger brother. At that time, a male child was treated differently than a female child. Such a child from the first breath had all the benefits that a girl can not get. In the eyes of its parents, and especially society, male children have value. On the other hand, the book repeatedly emphasizes how it is a girl for the family, from the first breath, the cost - from food and clothing to the dowry that should be given at the time of marriage. And I just felt worthless in the role of a woman of that time - cost, cost - everything related to the notion of a girl and a woman is cost.
If you are looking for a supernatural mystery or enjoy such topics, I want to encourage you to read The lie tree and discover how the world of lies works, how to deal with them when it spreads among people, what the secret the Tree will reveal to you, and what is most important - what is the next step?
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you