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"Kći Lotrščaka" - najljepši citati naše drage Zagorke (HRV & ENG)

Dobro došli u novu 2022. godinu i dobro došli u još jednu objavu na stranicama "Gogine knjižnice". Nadam se da ste mi se uspjeli barem malo odmoriti, da ste uživali u ovoj blagdanskoj atmosferi i da ste vrijeme proveli sa svojim najmilijima.

Koliko god mi povremeno fali taj božićni duh, koji sam imala kao mala, toliko ipak cijenim ovaj dio godine. Nekako sve oživi i poprimi neku svjetlost koja se ne može samo tako riječima opisati.

U sklopu novogodišnjeg čitanja, odlučila sam izdvojiti nekoliko meni najljepših citata iz Zagorkine "Kći Lotrščaka". Prvi sam ju put pročitala još dok sam išla u školu, a sad sam, prolazeći kroz redove naše gradske knjižnice, odlučila ponovno pročitati i prisjetiti se o čemu se uopće radi, jer je već prošlo toliko vremena i radnja te predivne priče je iz moje glavice isparila...

Uživajte u 10 najljepših citata pronađenih unutar "Kći Lotrščaka":

Do iduće objave,

Voli vas vaša Goga


Welcome to the New year 2022 and welcome to another post on the pages of "Goga's Library". I hope that you managed to have at least a little rest, that you enjoyed this holiday atmosphere and that you spent time with your loved ones. As much as I occasionally miss that Christmas spirit, which I had as a child, I still appreciate this part of the year. Somehow everything comes to life and receives some special light that cannot be simply described in words.

As part of the New Year's reading, I decided to extract some of the most beautiful quotes from Zagorka's "Daughter of Lotrščak". I read it for the first time while I was going to school, and now, passing through the shelves of our public library, I decided to read it again and remember what it is all about, because so much time has passed and the plot of this wonderful story disappeared from my head. Enjoy the 10 most beautiful quotes found within "Daughter of Lotrščak":

Until the next post, Your Goga loves you :)

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