Nismo se ni okrenuli, a već smo iz zimskih kaputa i čizmica uskočili u lagane haljinice i sandalice. Šalice čaja zamamnih mirisa zamijenili smo ledenim i osvježavajućim napitcima, a deke i pokrivače laganim pokrivalima, klimom i ventilatorima.
Po vrućinama se baš i nemamo neke volje baviti intenzivnijim fizičkim aktivnostima pa često volimo uživati na jednom mjestu -- većinom na plažama ili zelenim livadama uz rijeke. Pa kako bi to bilo kada u takvim trenucima ne bi pri ruci bilo i kakvo dobro štivo?
Da vam olakšam postupak odabira što ćete nositi sa sobom odnosno što čitati u takvim trenucima, donosim 6 prijedloga što čitati u vruće ljetne dane:

NASLOV: U lovu na Cassandru
AUTOR: Lisa Kleypas
IZDAVAČ: Mozaik knjiga
RECENZIJA: u pripremi
"U lovu na Cassandru šesti je roman iz serije o obitelji Ravenel.
Željeznički magnat Tom Severin dovoljno je bogat i moćan da udovolji svakoj svojoj želji istoga časa kada se ona pojavi i čim je ugledao lady Cassandru Ravenel odlučio je da je mora imati. Ali prekrasna i oštroumna Cassandra jednako je odlučna u tome da se uda iz ljubavi – a to je jedina stvar koju joj on ne može dati.
Kada novostečeni neprijatelj gotovo uništi Cassandrinu reputaciju, Severin koristi priliku koju je tako dugo čekao. Kao i uvijek, dobit će ono što želi – ili? Postoji još jedna lekcija koju će Tom Severin tek naučiti od svoje buduće mladenke: Nikada ne podcjenjuj nekoga od Ravenelovih.
Lov na Cassandrinu ruku možda je završio, ali lov na njezino srce tek je započeo…"
NASLOV: Posljednja gospođa Parrish
AUTOR: Liv Constantine
IZDAVAČ: Vorto Palabra
Znači, ovo je knjiga koja me apsolutno izbezumila i istovremeno oduševila. Ako vam nešto mogu preporučiti iz dubine srca, tada je to ta knjiga. Realistična je, snažna i definitivno nije za one slabija želuca. Ali da ju moram jednom riječju opisati, rekla bih: FENOMENALNA!
Ako ste možda propustili recenziju, slobodno pratite link:
NASLOV: Korzet
AUTOR: Laura Purcell
RECENZIJA: u pripremi
"Dorothea Truelove mlada je i imućna žena koju njezin dobrotvorni rad dovodi u zatvor Oakgate i pruža joj priliku da istraži svoju fascinaciju frenologijom. Ushićena je što na osuđenicama može ispitati hipotezu da čovjekova lubanja govori mnogo o njegovom karakteru te o sklonosti najmračnijim zločinima.
U zatvoru upoznaje šesnaestogodišnju siromašnu krojačicu Ruth, koja čeka suđenje radi umorstva svoje gazdarice. Ona to umorstvo, kao i druge zločine pripisuje nadnaravnoj sili koju posjeduju prekrasni korzeti i haljine u čije šavove je utkala svoje grozomorne misli.
Ruthina priča o gorčini i izdaji, obiteljskoj tragediji i sužanjstvu uzdrmat će Dorotheinu vjeru u razum, ali i u moć što ga donosi iskupljenje. Je li mlada Ruth Butterham zanesena luđakinja ili hladnokrvna ubojica? Žrtva ili zločinka?"
NASLOV: Kako zaustaviti vrijeme
AUTOR: Matt Haig
IZDAVAČ: Vorto Palabra
Ako volite putovati kroz vrijeme, družiti se sa slavnim ličnostima i učiti mnogobrojne jezike i/ili kako svirati već zaboravljene instrumente, tada je ovo prava knjiga za vas. Meni je bila ugodna i pitka. Gotovo sam proklizala kroz nju i mogu reći kako se uistinu radi o jednom laganom ljetnom štivu.
Ako ste možda propustili recenziju, slobodno pratite link:
NASLOV: Posljednji let
AUTOR: Charlotte McConaghy
RECENZIJA: u pripremi
"Franny Stone oduvijek je znala voljeti, ali ne i ostajati. Ostavljajući za sobom sve osim svoje istraživačke opreme, stiže na Grenland s jednim jedinim ciljem: pratiti zadnje arktičke čigre na svijetu tijekom putovanja koje bi, po svemu sudeći, moglo predstavljati njihovu posljednju migraciju na Antarktiku. Franny uspije nagovoriti ribare da je prime na brod te se s njima otisne na pučinu, daleko od obale i sigurnosti.
Međutim, kako se njezina prošlost raspliće - strastvena ljubavna veza, gubitak obitelji, užasan zločin - postaje jasno da ona ne ganja samo ptice. Kad Franny sustignu vlastite mračne tajne, pitanje je koliko će biti spremna riskirati za još jednu priliku za iskupljenje."
NASLOV: Drvo laži
AUTOR: Frances Hardinge
IZDAVAČ: Vorto Palabra
Zanimljiva jedna nadnaravna priča sa dozom nepravednosti prema statusu žena u društvu. Mogu reći kako su me određene scene (primjerice, mjerenje inteligencije kroz veličinu nečije lubanje - tzv. frenologija) dosta nekako natjerale na razmišljanje - o tomu kako su ljudi nekoć imali neke pomalo iskrivljene percepcije o inteligenciji, razlici u inteligenciji između muškarca i žene te povlaštenom statusu muške osobe, a podređenom statusu ženske osobe u društvu na temelju rodne razlike. A ukoliko želite začiniti čitavu tu priču jednim neobičnim drvetom koje se hrani lažima, tada je ova knjiga prava za vas.
Ako ste možda propustili recenziju, slobodno pratite link:
Nadam se da su vam se moji prijedlozi svidjeli i da ćete posegnuti barem za tri predložena naslova, ako ne i za svih šest. Ja ću vas svakako nastojati što prije opskrbiti doživljajima iz naslova koje još nisam uspjela recenzirati, a dotada... uživajte u ovim vrućim danima. Klonite se sunca. Redovito se rashlađujte i nadasve uživajte u svakom danu koji se pred vama nalazi.
Do iduće objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga

We didn't even turn around, and we jumped from winter coats and boots into light dresses and sandals. We replaced the tea cups of tempting scents with refreshing drinks, and blankets with air conditioners and fans.
In the heat, we don't really have the will to do more intense physical activities, so we often like to enjoy one place - mostly on beaches or green meadows along rivers. So how would it be if there was no good reading at hand in such moments?
To make the process of choosing what to take with you or what to read much easier, I bring 6 suggestions on what to read on hot summer days:

TITLE: Chasing Cassandra
AUTHOR: Lisa Kleypas
PUBLISHER: Mozaik knjiga
REVIEW: in preparation
“Hunting Cassandra is the sixth novel in a series about the Ravenel family.
Railway magnate Tom Severin is rich and powerful enough to satisfy his every wish as soon as she appears and as soon as he saw Lady Cassandra Ravenel he decided he must have her. But the beautiful and shrewd Cassandra is equally determined to marry out of love - and that's the only thing he can't give her.
When the newly acquired enemy almost destroys Cassandra's reputation, Severin uses the opportunity he has been waiting for so long. As always, he will get what he wants - or? There is another lesson that Tom Severin has yet to learn from his future bride: Never underestimate any of the Ravenels.
The hunt for Cassandra's hand may be over, but the hunt for her heart has just begun… "
TITLE: The last Mrs. Parrish
AUTHOR: Liv Constantine
PUBLISHER: Vorto Palabra
So, this is a book that absolutely drove me crazy and thrilled me at the same time. If there’s one thing I can recommend to you from the bottom of my heart, then I can recommend this book. It is realistic, strong and definitely not for those with a weak stomach. But if I had to describe it in one word, I would say: PHENOMENAL!
If you may have missed the review, feel free to follow the link:
TITLE: Corset
AUTHOR: Laura Purcell
REVIEW: in preparation
"Dorothea Truelove is a young and wealthy woman whose charitable work brings her to Oakgate Prison and gives her the opportunity to explore her fascination with phrenology.
In prison, he meets sixteen-year-old poor seamstress Ruth, who is awaiting trial for the murder of her landlady. She attributes this murder, as well as other crimes, to a supernatural force possessed by beautiful corsets and dresses in the seams of which she has woven her horrible thoughts.
Ruth’s story of bitterness and betrayal, family tragedy, and slavery will shake Dorothea’s faith in reason, but also in the power that redemption brings. Is young Ruth Butterham a rapturous lunatic or a cold-blooded killer? Victim or perpetrator? "
TITLE: How to stop time
AUTHOR: Matt Haig
PUBLISHER: Vorto Palabra
If you like to travel through time, hang out with famous people from the past and learn many languages and / or how to play already forgotten instruments, then this is the right book for you. It was a very pleasant book for me. I almost slipped through it and I can say that it really is a light summer read.
If you may have missed the review, feel free to follow the link:
TITLE: Migrations
AUTHOR: Charlotte McConaghy
REVIEW: in preparation
"Franny Stone has always known to love, but not to stay. Leaving everything but her research equipment behind, she arrives in Greenland with one sole goal: to follow the world's last Arctic terns on a journey that could seem to be their latest migration in Antarctica. Franny manages to persuade the fishermen to take her on a boat and set sail with them on the high seas, far from shore and safety.
However, as her past unfolds - a passionate love affair, the loss of a family, a horrific crime - it becomes clear that she is not just chasing birds. When Franny catches up with her own dark secrets, the question is how much she will be willing to risk for another chance of redemption. "
TITLE: The lie tree
AUTHOR: Frances Hardinge
PUBLISHER: Vorto Palabra
An interesting supernatural story with a dose of injustice towards the status of women in society. I can say that certain scenes (for example, measuring intelligence through the size of someone's skull - so-called phrenology) have somehow made me think - about how people once had some slightly distorted perceptions of intelligence, the difference in intelligence between men and women and privileged the status of a male person, and the subordinate status of a female person in society based on gender difference. And if you want to spice up this whole story with one weird tree that feeds on lies, then this book is just the right for you.
If you may have missed the review, feel free to follow the link:
I hope you liked my suggestions and that you will reach for at least three suggested titles, if not all six. I will definitely try to provide you with experiences from the titles that I have not been able to review yet, and until then ... enjoy these hot days. Stay out of the sun. Cool down regularly and above all enjoy every day ahead of you.
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you
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