Prošlog smo vikenda odlučili otići na izlet. I ponavljam onaj famozni početak svake mudre rečenice: Ne bi Goga bila Goga kad... ne bi sa sobom uzela barem 3 knjige i slikala ih uz more.
Kad god odlučim nekamo otputovati, a s dolaskom toplijih dana ćemo biti posvuda, potrudit ću se na svako to putovanje popeljati i jednu ljepoticu iz Gogine knjižnice. :) Takva sam vam ja - novogodišnje odluke donosim u svako doba godine.
Već znate da sam konačno pročitala Nijeme pratitelje i kako sam oduševljena njima. Mislila sam da će biti koma i da ću se ukakit kao grlica kad krene onaj strašni dio, ali ipak sam se pokazala kao velika curica.
Ako ste slučajno propustili objavu, možete ju pronaći na ovom linku:
Uz Nijeme pratitelje, o kojima neću previše pisati, pod ruku sam uzela još dvije knjige, obje najavljene kao one koje su već zauzele svoje mjesto na policama, ali i koje će uskoro biti smještene među objave na blogu.
Prva je Bilježnica neizgovorenih stvari, autorice Caire Pooley, i mogu reći kako jedva čekam vidjeti što mi ima za sreći i u kakav ću svijet uroniti. Naslovnica me već sad podsjeća na ulaz u neki francuski kafić gdje me čeka fina šalica kave i miris svježe pečenog kroasana. Haha... vidjet ćemo koliko sam jako promašila, nakon što se pojavim sa objavom na temu Bilježnice neizgovorenih stvari.
"Svi lažu o svome životu. Što bi se dogodilo da za promjenu počneš govoriti istinu?"
"Julian Jessop, ekscentrični sedamdeset devetogodišnji slikar ovom je rečenicom započeo priču o svojemu životu te ju zapisao u svjetlozelenu bilježnicu koju je zatim ostavio u kafiću u koji zalazi svaki dan. Nakon petnaest godina žalovanja zbog gubitka supruge, on započinje ovaj projekt s ciljem dijeljenja iskrenih priča sa stvarnim osobama koje susrećemo svaki dan.
Monica, vlasnica kafića pronalazi ostavljenu bilježnicu, te ponesena Julianovim riječima, ne samo da dopiše priču o sebi, nego odluči pomoći Julianu kako se ne bio osjećao toliko usamljenim. I dok se bilježnica seli iz ruke u ruku, svaka osoba, potaknuta iskrenošću drugih, u nju dopisuje svoje vlastite tajne, a mjesto koje će ih uskoro sve povezati postaje upravo Monicin kafić u kojem svatko od njih pronalazi nove prijatelje, hobi a neki čak i novu ljubav.
No kad dođe do neočekivanih otkrića koji će uzdrmati njihovo prijateljstvo, ponukat će ih sve da se zapitaju: temelji li se sve zapravo na jednoj velikoj laži?"
Druga ljepotica je Noćni cirkus, autorice Erin Morgenstern. Ovu sam vam knjigu ukratko predstavila nakon svog posjeta na Interliber, ali sada bih ju ovom objavom htjela dodatno približiti. Knjiga drži podijeljenu publiku - jedni su njome oduševljeni, dok drugi baš i nisu. Jedni preporučuju na sve strane, dok drugi mole da im ju ne guraš pod nos.
Na stranicama naših izdavača stoji slijedeće:
"Cirkus stiže bez najave. Ne prethode mu nikakve objave. Naprosto je tamo, a još jučer nije ga bilo. Crno-bijeli prugasti platneni šatori kriju jedinstveno, neponovljivo iskustvo prepuno iznenađenja što oduzimaju dah. Zovu ga Le Cirque des Reves i radi isključivo noću.
No iza kulisa odvija se žestoko nadmetanje – dvoboj mladih mađioničara Celije i Marca, za koji su ih od djetinjstva pripremali njihovi prevrtljivi učitelji. Njih dvoje ne zna detalje te igre u kojoj preživljava samo pobjednik, a cirkus je tek pozornica za tu izvanrednu bitku mašte i volje. No Celia i Marco, sebi samima usprkos, naglavce se survaju u ljubav – duboku, čarobnu, zbog koje svjetla trepere, a soba se zagrije i kad se tek dodirnu rukama.
Bila to prava ljubav ili ne, igra se mora odigrati, a sudbine svih koji u njoj sudjeluju, od ansambla izvanrednih cirkuskih izvođača do vlasnika, vise o niti, u zraku, opasno, poput neustrašivih akrobata."
Nadam se da sam vam ovim kratkim osvrtom približila svoje putovanje u morske predjele. Možda vas koja od prikazanih knjiga zainteresira, potakne na čitanje i ulazak u misteriozni svijet govorenja istine ili poželite vidjeti taj nestajući cirkus. A možda čak... ako ste dovoljno hrabri, odlučite posjetiti Elsie Bainbridge i pratiti ju na putovanju prepunom nijemih pratitelja.
Odluka je na vama. Kako god odlučili, odlučili ste ispravno. :)
Za kraj, donosim vam i par slikica sa našeg izleta pa uživajte u dodatnih 1.000 riječi sa svakom slikom. :)
Do iduće objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga
We decided to go on a field trip last weekend. And I repeat that famous beginning of every wise sentence: Goga would not be Goga if... she didn't take at least 3 books with her and take pictures of them by the sea.
Whenever I decide to travel somewhere, and with the arrival of warmer days we will be everywhere, I will do my best to take one beauty from Goga's library on each trip. :) That's me, folks - I make New Year's resolutions at any time of the year.
You already know that I finally read The Silent Companions and how delighted I am with them. I thought I was going to shit my pants while reading, but I proved to be a big girl.
If you maybe missed the post, you can find it at this link:
Along with The Silent Companions, about whom I will not write too much, I took two more books with me, both announced as those that have already taken their place on the shelves, but which will soon be placed among the blog posts.
The first is The Notebook of Unspoken Things, by Caire Pooley, and I can say that I can’t wait to see what it has to show to me and what kind of world I will immerse myself in. The cover already reminds me of the entrance to a French cafe where a fine cup of coffee and the smell of freshly baked croissant await me. Haha ... we'll see how much I missed, after appearing with a post on the subject of The Notebook of Unspoken Things.
"Everyone lies about their lives. What would happen if you started telling the truth for a change?"
"Julian Jessop, an eccentric seventy-nine-year-old painter, began the story of his life with this sentence and wrote it in a light green notebook, which he left in the cafe he visits every day. After fifteen years of mourning the loss of his wife. a story with real people we meet every day.
Monica, the owner of the cafe, finds an abandoned notebook, and carried away by Julian's words, not only writes a story about herself, but decides to help Julian because he didn't feel so lonely. And as the notebook moves from hand to hand, each person, inspired by the sincerity of others, writes his own secrets in it, and the place that will soon connect them all becomes Monica's cafe where each of them finds new friends, hobbies and some even new love.
But when it comes to unexpected discoveries that will shake their friendship, it will make them all wonder: is everything really based on one big lie? "
The other beauty is The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern. I presented this book to you briefly after my visit to Interliber, but now I would like to bring it even closer with this post. This book keeps the audience divided - some are thrilled with it, while others are not. Some recommend it on all sides, while others beg you not to shove it under their noses.
The pages of our publishers say:
"The circus arrives without notice. It is not preceded by any announcements. It is simply there, and it was not there yesterday. Black and white striped canvas tents hide a unique, unrepeatable experience full of breathtaking surprises. It is called Le Cirque des Reves and works exclusively at night .
But behind the scenes, a fierce competition is taking place - a duel of young magicians Celija and Marc, for which they have been prepared since childhood by their capricious teachers. The two of them do not know the details of this game in which only the winner survives, and the circus is just a stage for this extraordinary battle of imagination and will. But Celia and Marco, in spite of themselves, fall head over heels in love - deep, magical, which makes the lights flicker, and the room warms up even when they touch each other with their hands.
Whether it's true love or not, the game has to be played out, and the fates of everyone involved, from the ensemble of outstanding circus performers to the owners, hang in the balance, dangerously in the air, like fearless acrobats. "
I hope that with this short review I have brought you closer to my journey to the seaside. Maybe one of these books will interest you, encourage you to read and enter this mysterious world of telling the truth, or you may want to see this disappearing circus. And maybe even ... if you're brave enough, decide to visit Elsie Bainbridge and accompany her on a journey full of silent companions.
The decision is up to you. Whatever you decide, you made the right decision. :)
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you