Moja ocjena: 5 / 5
Goodreads ocjena: 3.9 / 5

Najavila sam recenziju knjige prije nekoliko mjeseci, povlačila slike njezine naslovnice okolo po profilima društvenih mreža, ali tek je sada došlo vrijeme da ju konačno i pročitam.
Zašto je toliko trebalo, pitate me? Jednostavno - bilo me strah. Priznajem! Strah onoga što će mi ta knjiga donijeti i s čime ću se morati suočiti kada ju jednom konačno odlučim pročitati.
Dodatno, što me držalo dalje od nje je rečenica koja se nalazi na stražnjoj stranici korica: "Nemojte čitati noću!" - a što Goga radi? Čita noću... I fakat me bilo strah. Još sam u tih par dana bila sama tijekom mračnih noći što je dodatno pojačalo sve zvukove, stvaralo strah u meni samoj od mraka i od nepoznatog. Čak sam si pomislila kako će me knjiga pratiti i da će se misteriozno pojavljivati na mjestima na kojima ju nisam ostavila.
Ali sad kad sam ju pročitala, zapravo vidim kako sam bila bedasta... :)

Čak sam ju i na kavu vodila... :)
Razmišljala sam kako da vam ispričam o čemu se radi, a da ne pratim već poznate šablone. Htjela sam vam dati do znanja koliko je ta knjiga strašna, ali istovremeno fenomenalna. Nerealna, a opet izaziva trnce i podizanje dlačica na cijelom tijelu. Jer ona to uistinu jest.
Prateći radnju, upoznajemo mladu Elsie Bainbridge, kćer vlasnika tvornice šibica. Elsie se, prvenstveno iz poslovnih razloga, udala za Ruperta Bainbridgea, pripadnika povlaštenog sloja društva. Ali unatoč poslovnom dogovoru, ipak se rodila ljubav. Samo što je ta ljubav prekinuta Rupertovom iznenadnom smrću.
Otišavši na staro, zapušteno imanje svoje obitelji u Fayford, kako bi pripremio sve za dolazak svoje žene i nerođenog djeteta, Rupert iznenada umire. Kako? Jadnička izdalo srce - tako barem selo kaže.
Elsie je karakterna žena koja ne voli biti sputana i zakinuta za išta što ju usrećuje. A Rupertovom smrću se upravo to događa. Iz vreve Londona, seli se u Fayford, na imanje obitelji koju nije poznavala i to u ulozi gospodarice. Sa sobom dovodi Rupertovu neuglednu rođakinju Sarah u kojoj vidi samo gnjavažu i osjećaj grižnje savjesti zbog otimanja obiteljskog nasljedstva.
Od strane ljudi koji ju ondje okružuju, dolazi do saznanja kako se nitko ne želi imanju ni približiti zbog misterioznih događaja iz prošlosti. Elsie ne može vjerovati kako selo i dalje povlači tu preko 200 godina staru priču o nekoj vještici i smrtima slugu na imanju. Tko zna što se tada dogodilo i što je uzrokovalo nastale događaje te jesu li uopće istiniti. Znate kako se tokom vremena iskrivljuju priče i dobivaju nove verzije. Misli si Elsie, sigurno je to situacija i sa ovom pričom te ju zanemaruje.
Međutim, sve dužim boravkom u kući, od milja zvanoj Most, shvaća kako su ipak priče seljana istinite. Nešto se čudno događa, nešto tjeskobno… nešto što ju tjera i zbog čega sve jače vapi za Londonom. Za bijegom u sigurnost.
Samo što nije tjeskoba jedino što ju muči. Muče ju i zvukovi grickanja, psikanja i piljenja drvenih greda tijekom mračnih noći na tavanu. U narednim danima čvrsto odlučuje otkriti što se to ondje događa i konačno uvesti mir u kuću.
Dolaskom na tavan, primjećuju drvenu figuru u obličju djevojčice, koju na Sarin nagovor, odnose u prizemlje. Elsie prati osjećaj kako to ne bi trebali raditi, ali budući da je Sari praktički otela obiteljsko nasljedstvo, ipak dopušta da se prikaza odnese.
Nakon silaska Sarine drvene figure (tzv. nijemog pratitelja), po kući su se počele pojavljivati i druge figure – dječak Ciganin, stara žena koja u krilu drži dijete, žena koja u kadi pere kosu i slično. I te su se figure samo odjednom nalazile posvuda po kući. Elsie je zaozbiljno počela razmišljati o stanju svog zdravog razuma jer više nije znala što je stvarnost, a što je njezina mašta. Čak je mislila kako se sluškinje pokušavaju našaliti s njom. Sve dok se ozbiljnije i opasnije situacije nisu počele događati...
Uz te sablasne figure, na tavanu su pronašle i stari dnevnik Anne Bainbridge, koji Sarah uzima sa sobom, u nadi da će čitajući, upoznati svoje pretke. Središnji događaj dnevnika vezan je uz famozni dolazak kraljevskog para na imanje Most i Annin trud da ostvari što bolji dojam.
Kroz samu pripremu događaja, upoznajemo dragu Anne, njezine najdublje misli vezane uz kćerkicu Hettu te zabrinutost oko njezina čudnog ponašanja. Ali ne doznajemo samo to. Anne nam daje uvid u događaje koji su prouzročili dolazak nijemih pratitelja na imanje.
Kad sam krenula čitati, imala sam osjećaj kako ponovno čitam Familijare, sa malo drugačijim likovima, ali sa smještajem radnje na gotovo istom mjestu. I mislim si kako ću odustati od čitanja jer, koliko god da su mi se Familijari svidjeli, toliko sam jedva čekala da se radnja malo zakuha.
Ukoliko još niste pročitali recenziju na temu knjige "Familijari", autorice Stacey Halls, u nastavku donosim link na recenziju:
Samo što se ovdje, za razliku od Familijara, radnja jako brzo zakuhala. Nisam ni primijetila, a već sam bila uvučena u vrtlog straha i skakanja na svaki zvuk nakon što bih ugasila svjetlo.
Mogu iskreno reći kako sam bila baš blesava što sam odgađala čitanje Nijemih pratitelja i istovremeno mi je žao zbog toga, ali sam i jako sretna što sam ju konačno pročitala. Radi se o knjizi koja me jednostavno nije puštala na miru dok ju nisam pročitala do kraja. I uz Zafonovu Marinu, ovo je druga knjiga koja me u kratkom roku toliko osvojila.
Tako da, ako niste slabog srca i ako niste trudnica (ima par teških scena pa se fakat ne preporučuje), definitivno preporučam da ju pročitate. Nećete požaliti, u to sam sigurna. Samo ćete malo poraditi na vlastitoj psihičkoj jačini.

Za više informacija o autorici ove odlične knjige, slobodno posjetite njezinu službenu Web stranicu: - moram dodati kako sam se blago šokirala kada sam vidjela koliko je zapravo knjiga već napisala, a ja tek zagrebla po jednoj.
I pomislim si kako sam skeptična, a sad već gledam što će Laura novo napisati, u kakvu će nas priču uvući i koliko ću još noći provesti u strahu zbog njezinih likova.
P.S. Uskoro dolazi prijevod njezine knjige "Korzet" i mogu reći kako jedva čekam da ju pročitam.
Do nove objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga
My rating: 5 / 5
Goodreads rating: 3.9 / 5
I already announced a review of the book a few months ago, I was dragging pictures of its cover around on social media, but only now was the time to finally read it.
Why did it take so long, you ask? Simply - I was scared. I admit! Scared of what that book will bring me and what I will have to face once I finally decide to read it.
Additionally, what kept me away from her was the sentence on the back cover: "Don't read at night!" - And what Goga does? Reads at night ... And in fact I was scared. I was actually alone during those few dark nights, which further amplified all the sounds, creating fear in myself from the dark and from the unknown. I even thought that the book would follow me and that it would mysteriously appear in places where I had not left it.
But now that I've read it, I actually see how silly I was ... :)
I was thinking about how to tell you what it is about, without following the already known patterns. I wanted to let you know how scairy but phenomenal this book is. Unreal, and yet causes tingling and lifting of hair all over the body. Because she really is like that.
Following the action, we meet young Elsie Bainbridge, the daughter of the match factory owner. Elsie, primarily for business reasons, married Rupert Bainbridge, a member of the privileged class. But despite the business deal, love was born. It's just that their love was interrupted by Rupert's sudden death.
Going to his family’s old, neglected estate in Fayford to prepare everything for the arrival of his wife and unborn child, Rupert dies suddenly. How? His heart betrayed him - so at least says the village.
Elsie is a strong woman who doesn’t like to be restrained and deprived of anything that makes her happy. And with Rupert's death, that's exactly what's happening. From the hustle and bustle of London, she moved to Fayford, to the property of a family she did not know in the role of mistress. Rupert's inconspicuous cousin Sarah comes along and the only thing that Elsie can see in her is the hassle and a sense of remorse for stealing the family inheritance.
From the people who surround her there, Elsie finds out that no one wants to approach the property because of mysterious events from the past. Elsie can’t believe the village is still pulling back that over 200-year-old story of a witch and the servant deaths on the estate. Who knows what happened then and what caused the events and whether they are true at all. You know how stories are distorted over time and new versions are gained. Elsie thinks, it must be the same situation with this story and she ignores it.
However, with her longer stay in the house, called Most (the Bridge) , she realizes that the stories of the villagers are true. Something strange is happening, something anxious… something that drives her crazy and makes her cry out for London more and more. For an escape to safety.
It's just that anxiety isn't the only thing that bothers her. She is also bothered by the sounds of nibbling, squeaking and sawing wooden beams during the dark nights in the attic. In the days that followed, she was determined to find out what was going on there and finally bring peace to the house.
Getting to the attic, they notice a wooden figure in the form of a girl, who, at Sara's urging, is taken to the ground floor. Elsie feels that they shouldn't be ding that, but since Sarah was practically stolen the family inheritance by Elsie, she lets the figure be taken downstairs.
After the descent of Sarah's wooden figure (the so-called silent companion), other figures began to appear around the house - a gypsy boy, an old woman holding a child in her lap, a woman washing her hair in a bathtub and other. And those figures were all of a sudden all over the house. Elsie began to think seriously about the state of her common sense because she no longer knew what is real and what is her imagination. She even thought the maids were trying to joke with her. Until more serious and dangerous situations started happening ...
Along with those eerie figures, they also found an old diary of Anne Bainbridge in the attic, which Sarah takes with her, hoping to meet her ancestors while reading. The central event of the diary is related to the famous arrival of the royal couple to the Most and Anne's efforts to make the best possible impression.
Through the very preparation of the event, we get to know dear Anne, her deepest thoughts related to her daughter Hetta and concerns about her strange behavior. But this is not all she gives us through her diary. Anne gives us an insight into the events that caused the arrival of silent companions on the estate.
When I started reading, I had the feeling that I was reading "The Familiars" again, with slightly different characters, but with the location of the plot in almost the same place. And I thought I’m going to give up reading because, as much as I liked "The Familiars", I could hardly wait for the story to boil over a bit.
If you haven't read the review of the book "The Familiars", by Stacey Halls, below is a link to the review:
It's just that here, unlike "The Familiars", the story exploded very quickly. I didn’t even notice, and I was already drawn into a whirlwind of fear and jumping at every sound after turning off the light.
I can honestly say that I was really silly for postponing reading of " The Silent Companions" and at the same time I am sorry for that, but I am also very happy to have finally read it. It’s a book that just didn’t leave me alone until I read it to the end. And with Zafon's "Marina", this is the second book that won me over so much in a short period of time.
So, if you are not weak-hearted and if you are not pregnant (there are a couple of difficult scenes so it is not recommended), I definitely recommend you to read it. You won't regret it, I'm sure of it. You will only work a little on your own mental strength.
For more information on the author of this great book, feel free to visit her official website: - I must add that I was slightly shocked to see how many books she has already written, and I only scratched one.
And I think about how skeptical I was, and now I'm already looking at what Laura is going to write, what kind of story she's going to get us into, and how many nights I'm going to spend in fear of her characters.
P.S. A translation of her book "Corset" is coming soon in Croatia and I can't wait to read it.
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you