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Writer's pictureGoga

Carica - Gigi Griffis (HRV & ENG)

Moja ocjena: 4 / 5

Goodreads ocjena: 3,60 / 5

Izdavač: Znanje

Žanr: Povijesno - ljubavni roman


Upustila sam se u ljubavne vode. Izašla iz kukuljice trilera, mistike i istraživanja dubina ljudskog uma. Upustila se u istraživanje povijesti i tajni srca. Upoznala mladu Sisi, uvidjela koliko je predivna i koliko sam bila neupućena time što se nisam prije pozabavila njezinom ličnošću.

Carica Elizabeta Austrijska, poznatija pod imenom Sisi, toliko je divno biće i svako bi se carstvo trebalo osjećati počašćeno što je obdareno tim bogatstvom. Kako je Diana predstavljala revoluciju unutar kraljevske obitelji Ujedinjenog kraljevstva, tako je i mlada Sisi predstavljala osvježenje nekadašnjeg zadrtog Habsburškog Carstva opterećenog tradicijom, običajima i pravilima društveno prihvaćenog ponašanja vladajuće obitelji.

Ljepotica, pjesnikinja, slobodna duša, ptica u letu - tim ju riječima samo djelomično mogu pisati jer ljepotu njezine ličnosti nije moguće u potpunosti prikazati kroz par riječi objave. Inače bi brojala preko 10.000 riječi, a čak ni to ne bi bilo dovoljno da vam opišem kako se radi o jednoj opuštenoj, slobodoumnoj i nadasve umjetničkoj duši.

Osobi koja se nalazila ispred svog vremena te je upravo iz tog razloga bila okarakterizirana kao divljakuša, nedisciplinirana djevojka i nipošto materijal biti caricom jednog od najvećih carstava tog vremena.

Duša koja je letjela slobodno, ali je zbog ljubavi odlučila dati svoju slobodu, svoja veličanstvena krila, u zamjenu za rešetke zlatnog kaveza.

Na momente mi priča djeluje usporeno, tijek radnje je razvučen na pripreme, dolazak i samo upoznavanje cara i carske obitelji sa budućom zaručnicom, Helenom Bavarskom, i njezinom obitelji. Tijekom naglog preokreta radnje, gdje bi se očekivala eksplozija tenzija, radnja i dalje zadržava određeni umirujući ton, lagano svladavanje i nošenje sa situacijom, gdje se onaj napeti dio jednostavno razrješava na način da se ostavlja po strani, izvan fokusa.

Događaju se dosta teški trenuci, dolazi vrijeme koje iziskuje strateške odluke i pripadajuće posljedice koje izazivaju bol. Ali nije samo to - događa se obnova nekadašnjeg jakog prijateljstva između dviju sestara, događa se velika ljubav u vrijeme kada su brakovi sklapani iz političkih razloga, rađaju se brojne revolucionarne ideje i upravo zato mogu reći kako se radi o jednoj predivnoj priči koju uistinu vrijedi pročitati.

Čitajući retke knjige, dobivate priliku otkriti svijet 19. stoljeća, položaj i ograničenja pripadnika vladajuće obitelji, gdje je narod vladajuće smatrao produženom rukom odabranom od strane Boga, a time i nedodirljivima.

Doći ćete do upoznavanja sa raznim normama i zabranama te običajima koji su nekako najmanje na ruku išli ženama i njihovu položaju. Ali više od svega, iskusit ćete snagu istinske ljubavi, strpljenja i osjećaja dužnosti prema Carstvu i prema osobi za koju vam kuca srce.

Unatoč tomu što ljubavna tematika nije česta na mom blogu, mogu reći kako se radi o predivnoj priči koja me se uistinu ugodno dojmila. Pritom se radi o još jednoj intrigantnoj temi koja me potakla na dublje istraživanje ličnosti slavne Sisi. Imala sam krajnje šturo znanje o njoj, vodila sam se onime što sam čula, ali sada vidim da njezina ličnost ima dubinu o kojoj nisam mogla niti sanjati.

Bila ova priča u potpunosti istinita ili ne, rado ću se unijeti u istraživanje i shvaćanje njezine ličnosti. Jer žene ispred svog vremena su one s kojima se mogu usuglasiti, koje s entuzijazmom istražujem i upoznajem te koje me potiču da razmišljam i sama ispred svog vremena.

Ako vas je moja objava zaintrigirala, slobodno pogledate i seriju na Netflixu, inspiriranu pričom o ovoj legendarnoj carici. Ovo vam je i odlična prilika malo ponoviti ili možda čak naučiti njemački jezik, budući da je serija izrađena u njemačkoj produkciji.

S moje strane, istinski tople preporuke. :)

Do iduće objave,

Voli vas vaša Goga


My rating: 4 / 5

Goodreads rating: 3.60 / 5

Publisher: Znanje

Genre: historical and romance novel

I ventured into the waters of love. Out of the cocoon of thrillers, mysticism and exploration of the depths of the human mind. I embarked on research into history and the secrets of the heart. Met young Sisi, saw how beautiful she was and how ignorant I was that I hadn't dealt with her personality before.

Empress Elizabeth of Austria, better known as Sisi, is such a wonderful being and every empire should feel honored to be endowed with such wealth. Just as Diana represented a revolution within the royal family of the United Kingdom, young Sisi also represented the refreshment of the former rigid Habsburg Empire burdened by tradition, customs and rules of socially accepted behavior of the ruling family.

A beauty, a poet, a free soul, a bird in flight - I can only partially describe her with these words, because the beauty of her personality cannot be fully expressed in only few words. Otherwise, it would count over 10,000 words, and even that would not be enough to describe to you what a relaxed, free-thinking and above all artistic soul she is.

A person who was ahead of her time and for this very reason was characterized as a wild, undisciplined girl and by no means material to be the empress of one of the largest empires of that time.

A soul that flew free, but for love decided to give her freedom, her magnificent wings, in exchange for the bars of a golden cage.

At times, the story seems slow to me, the course of action is drawn out on the preparations, the arrival and the mere introduction of the emperor and the imperial family to the future fiancée, Helena of Bavaria, and her family. During the sudden reversal of the plot, where one would expect an explosion of tensions, the plot still maintains a certain soothing tone, easy mastery and bearing with the situation, where the tense part is simply resolved in such a way that it is left aside.

Quite difficult moments happen, there comes a time that requires strategic decisions and the associated consequences that cause pain. But that's not all - there is a renewal of the former strong friendship between two sisters, great love happens at a time when marriages were made for political reasons, numerous revolutionary ideas are born, and that's exactly why I can say that this is a wonderful story that is truly worth reading.

By reading lines of this books, you get a chance to discover the world of the 19th century, the position and limitations of members of the ruling family, where the people considered the ruling as an extended hand chosen by God, and therefore untouchable.

You will get to know various norms and prohibitions and customs that were somehow the least favorable to women and their position. But more than anything, you will experience the power of true love, patience and a sense of duty to the Empire and to the person for whom your heart beats.

Despite the fact that the love theme is not common on my blog, I can say that it is a wonderful story that really made a pleasant impression on me. At the same time, it is about another intriguing topic that encouraged me to do a deeper research into the personality of the famous Sisi. I had very limited knowledge of her, I was guided by what I heard, but now I see that her personality has a depth that I could not even dream of.

Whether this story is completely true or not, I will be happy to research and understand her personality. Because women ahead of their time are the ones I can get along with, who I enthusiastically explore, and who encourage me to think also ahead of my time.

If my post intrigued you, feel free to watch the series on Netflix, inspired by the story of this legendary empress. This is also a great opportunity for you to repeat a little or maybe even learn the German language, since the series was produced in Germany.

From my side, truly warm recommendations. :)

Until the next post,

Your Goga loves you

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