Moja ocjena: 3 / 5
Goodreads ocjena: 3,49 / 5
Izdavač: Vorto Palabra
Žanr: triler o obiteljskim odnosima, prijateljstvu, otuđenju, očekivanjima i bezuvjetnoj ljubavi
Lokacija: Zorin dom, Karlovac
(Moja) Priča ide ovako: knjigu sam pročitala još u svibnju ove godine i nisam znala kako da vam ju predstavim. Nekako su mi drugi naslovi bili smisleniji, lakši za obraditi i puno su brže oblikovali riječi.
Je li uzrok bilo moje očekivanje na temelju prethodno pročitanog naslova? Tematika? Likovi? Radnja? Vjerujem kako je odgovor: sve pomalo, a opet u dovoljnim količinama da me zadrži od objave.
Sada sam odlučila kako je odgodi konačno došao kraj - shvatila sam što me zadržavalo, skupila misli i dojmove u smislenu cjelinu i sada želim čuti što mi vi imate za reći - jer moja ocjena govori za sebe i što god napisala ili zaključila, sumnjam da će se promijeniti.
Posljednja gospođa Parrish, prva pročitana knjiga fenomenalnog dvojca imenom Liv Constantine, izbezumila me od oduševljenja. Tematika je teška, kao što ste mogli pročitati iz moje objave, a ukoliko ste već pročitali knjigu, točno znate o čemu pričam. Unatoč tomu, držala me u grču do te mjere da sam gotovo kasnila na posao, sve dok nisam doznala kako završava. I s razlogom ju svrstavam u top 5 najboljih knjiga pročitanih ove godine.
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Nakon pročitane Posljednje gospođe Parrish, naletjela sam na naslov Posljednji susret te odlučila i nju pročitati. Nadala sam se da će biti odlična poput Posljednje gospođe Parrish jer sam ponovno htjela biti oduševljena na isti način.
Glavne protagonistice priče su Kate i Blaire. Nekad povezane kao prst i nokat, da bi ih splet okolnosti potaknut nesretnim događajem, natjerao da svaka krene svojim putem. Veliki je to šok bio za obje djevojke i čitavu okolinu koja bih je navikla viđati zajedno, a još veći kada ih je novi nesretni događaj ponovno povezao.
Kate je mlada bogatašica koja ima sve što je ikad poželjela - savršenu obitelj sačinjenu od ljubljenog muža i slatke djevojčice, posla u kojem uživa, roditelja koji ju obožavaju. U životu joj ništa ne nedostaje, sve su želje ispunjene i na raspolaganju je sve čega se dosjeti.
Kako ipak ne biste dobili krivu sliku o njoj, vidim ju kao prizemljenu osobu, onu koja je svjesna društvenog poretka i mogućnosti koje su dane pojedincima kako bi taj društveni poredak promijenili. Kate je realna, svjesna da ima mnogo, ali i da s time može činiti dobro, napraviti neki pozitivan pomak u svijetu. Nije praznoglavka koja smatra da je bogatstvo rezervirano samo za određene. A upravo tom stavu i pogledu na svijet i život su zaslužni njezini roditelji, s kojima je oduvijek bila iznimno povezana.
Blaire je, u određenim životnim aspektima, Kateina suprotnost. Ne živi oduvijek u obilju svega što joj srce prohtije. Ona je uspješna spisateljica krimi romana, koja se sve uspješnije probija u svijetu književnosti i spisateljstva te je svoje bogatstvo stekla prodajom serijala romana, koje piše u suradnji sa suprugom.
Međutim, unatoč uvjerljivo prodanoj priči o uspješnosti i bogatstvu, Blaire skriva brojne tajne. Istina, ima odličnu karijeru o kojoj neki mogu samo sanjati, ali jedan je segment njezina života ipak osjetio značajnu dozu neuspjeha. Samo što to ne smije priznati, ne smije pokazati jer bi se sve boli i netrpeljivost koju je osjećala u djetinjstvu ponovno probudili, a njezina iluzija mega-uspješne spisateljice i supruge razbila u komadiće.
Priča je odlična i kvalitetno osmišljena. Na momente mi je bila jako zanimljiva dok sam na momente osjećala napor i vrtjela stranice u iščekivanju završetka poglavlja. Zaplet započinje ubojstvom Kateine majke, čime čitava iluzija savršenog života naglo nestaje. Ubrzo nakon tog događaja, kreću napadi na Kate - ali oni na psihičkoj bazi.
Upravo su me te psihičke igrice u Kateinoj glavi najviše umarale - od iznenadno upaljenih svijeća u kupaonici pa do slanja prijetećih mailova sa njezinog laptopa. Kateino sustavno raspadanje, prihvaćanje činjenice da zbilja nešto s njom nije u redu, još su dijelovi njezine ličnosti koju ne mogu prihvatiti.
Uz to, slika ljudi u njezinoj okolini bila je toliko umjetna i isprazna da nisam mogla pronaći neki ugodni tok misli kojim bih mogla proći kroz radnju. Ulaskom drugih likova u fokus radnje i njihov utjecaj na Kate činili su da se osjećam loše - ne volim kada se netko poigrava tuđom psihom i dovodi ga do situacije da sam sebe krene preispitivati je li lud ili nije. A većina radnje se kreće upravo u tom smjeru.
Kao i kod svake knjige koju sam vam dosad predstavila, želim da ju pročitate. Iz mojih riječi nikad nećete čuti drsko odbijanje čitanja ičega. Upravo suprotno, baš želim da pročitate pa da povedemo diskusiju zašto nam se nešto svidjelo, a zašto ne.
Nisu sve knjige stvorene za sve - nešto što će netko smatrati nečim najboljim na svijetu, netko drugi neće ni doživjeti - i to je sasvim u redu. U tomu leži tajna i najveći izazov s kojim se jedan obožavatelj knjiga može suočiti.
Do iduće objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga
My rating: 3 / 5
Goodreads rating: 3.49 / 5
Publisher: Vorto Palabra
Genre: a thriller about family relationships, friendship, alienation, expectations and unconditional love
(My) story goes like this: I read the book back in May this year and I didn't know how to present it to you. Somehow the other titles made more sense to me, were easier to process and formed words much faster.
Was it because of my expectation based on the previously read title? Theme? Characters? Action? I believe the answer is: a little bit of everything, and yet in sufficient quantities to keep me from publishing.
Now I have decided that the waiting period has finally come to an end - I understood what was holding me back, gathered my thoughts and impressions into a meaningful whole and now I want to hear what you have to say to me - because my rating speaks for itself and whatever I write or conclude, I doubt that to change.
The Last Mrs. Parrish, the first book I've read by the phenomenal duo Liv Constantine, drove me wild with delight. The topic is difficult, as you could read from my post, and if you have already read the book, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Even so, she kept me in a tizzy to the point where I was almost late for work, until I found out how it ended. And for a reason, I rank it in the top 5 best books read this year.
If you missed the post on the subject of the book "The Last Mrs. Parrish", click on the link below:
After reading The Last Mrs. Parrish, I came across the title The Last Time I Saw You and decided to read it as well. I was hoping it would be great like The Last Mrs. Parrish because I wanted to be wowed in the same way again.
The main protagonists of the story are Kate and Blaire. Once connected like a finger and a nail, a set of circumstances, prompted by an unfortunate event, forced them to go their separate ways. It was a big shock for both girls and the whole environment, who were used to seeing them together, and even bigger when a new unfortunate event brought them together again.
Kate is a young rich woman who has everything she ever wanted - a perfect family made up of a loving husband and a sweet little girl, a job she enjoys, parents who adore her. She lacks nothing in her life, all her wishes are fulfilled and everything she can think of is at her disposal.
So that you don't get the wrong picture of her, I see her as a down-to-earth person, one who is aware of the social order and the opportunities given to individuals to change that social order. Kate is realistic, aware that she has a lot, but also that she can do good with it, make some positive progress in the world. She is not an empty-headed person who believes that wealth is reserved only for certain people. And it is precisely this attitude and outlook on the world and life that her parents, with whom she has always been extremely close to, are responsible for.
Blaire is, in certain aspects of life, Kate's opposite. She didn't always live in abundance of everything her heart desires. She is a successful writer of crime novels, who is making her way more and more successfully in the world of literature and writing, and made her fortune by selling a series of novels, which she writes in collaboration with her husband.
However, despite the convincingly sold story of success and riches, Blaire hides many secrets. True, she has a great career that some can only dream of, but one segment of her life still felt a significant dose of failure. It's just that she can't admit it, she can't show it, because all the pain and bigotry she felt in childhood would reawaken, and her illusion of a mega-successful writer and wife would be shattered to pieces.
The story is excellent and well designed. At times I found it very interesting, while at times I felt fatigue and turned the pages in anticipation of the end of the chapter. The plot begins with the murder of Kate's mother, with which the whole illusion of a perfect life suddenly disappears. Shortly after that event, attacks on Kate begin - but on a psychological basis.
It was these mental games in Kate's head that tired me the most - from the candles suddenly lit in the bathroom to the sending of threatening emails from her laptop. Kate's systematic disintegration, accepting the fact that something is really wrong with her, are some parts of her personality that I cannot accept.
In addition, the picture of the people around her was so artificial and empty that I couldn't find any pleasant line of thought to go through the plot. The entry of other characters into the focus of the plot and their influence on Kate made me feel bad - I don't like it when someone plays with someone else's psyche and leads them to a situation where they start questioning themselves whether they are crazy or not. And most of the plot moves in exactly that direction.
As with every book I've presented to you so far, I want you to read it. From my words you will never hear a brazen refusal to read anything. Quite the opposite, I really want you to read it so that we can discuss why we liked something and why we didn't.
Not all books are made for everyone - something that someone will consider the best thing in the world, someone else will not even experience - and that's perfectly fine. Therein lies the secret and the biggest challenge a book fan can face.
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you