Moja ocjena: 3 / 5
Goodreads ocjena: 3,75 / 5
Izdavač: Stilus
Žanr: povijesno-fantastični roman
Broj stranica: 440

Što biste učinili da u rukama držite jednu od najvećih tajni svijeta? Što biste učinili kada bi jedan od najvećih mitova i legendi bio dijelom vaše osobne kolekcije? Nešto čija bi spoznaja donijela brojne odgovore na vječna pitanja čovječanstva?
Biste li navedeno čuvali za sebe, radi svoje koristi ili biste tu spoznaju, to blago, podijelili sa čitavim svijetom? Biste li prodali takvu dragocjenost koja zapravo nema cijenu ili biste se predali istraživanju svakog detalja tog predmeta?
U ovoj se knjizi priča vrti oko jedne vaze locirane u Londonu i to na samom kraju 18. stoljeća. Prema tadašnjim istraživačkim mogućnostima, utvrđeno je kako je toliko stara da joj nije moguće definirati vrijeme nastanka. Koji god su dotad poznati period povijesti uspoređivali, vazu nisu nigdje mogli smjestiti. Osim toga, po čitavoj svojoj površini je prekrivena brojnim impresivnim scenama nastanka svijeta, proizašla iz Zeusova moćnog žezla. Što je najzanimljivije, na kraju prikazane priče, nalazi se djevojka s predmetom u ruci. Ime joj bijaše Pandora...
Glavna nam protagonistica priče, također, nosi ime Pandora. Ona je posebna i drugačija, iskače iz zadanih okvira i ustaljenih normi. Ne ponaša se kao sve djevojke tog doba, ne pazi koliko će ptičjih zalogaja staviti u usta, hoće li svojom iskrenošću nekoga povrijediti, a opet ostati svoja. Ne vodi se time da bi svaka ženska osoba trebala znati vesti, svirati klavir, nositi rukavice i paziti da joj muška osoba ne bi vidjela gležanj.

Ona je kreativka. Ima moć prenijeti svoje ideje iz imaginarnog svijeta na ovaj u obliku predmeta koji bi mogli druge žene veseliti i činiti važnijima pred društvom. Željna je slobode i samostalnosti, uspjeha u području koje ju zanima i veseli te u kojemu pronalazi utjehu.
Sjajna je to djevojka i mogu reći kako mi se svidjela na prvu. Volim takve ličnosti i o njima čitati. Vidjeti tu njihovu hrabrost da kroče putevima kojima se drugi ne usude ili prelako odustaju.
I sama se u toj priči pronalazim jer vječito težim tomu da iskusim nešto gdje bi većina pokleknula. Ne zadovoljavam se prosječnim niti suštinski zadovoljavajućim već žeđam za ljestvicom više, za novim i nepoznatim, za spoznajom. I upravo nam je takva i Pandora (Dora).
Kako sam već navela, čitava nam se priča vrti oko misteriozne vaze koju je, Dorin stric Hezekiah Blake, doveo iz mračnih kutaka morskog plavetnila. Čuva ju zaključanu u podrumu dućana, daleko od znatiželjnih pogleda vanjskog svijeta. Pritom istražuje i nastoji otkriti tajnu koju vaza skriva, a koja mu može donijeti blaga neviđena. Toliko blaga da više ne mora ni dana u životu provesti u kriminalnim radnjama, kojima se inače bavi.
Pandora shvaća da se nešto događa. Primjećuje promjene u ponašanju svoga strica. Vidi da je po cijele dane mrzovoljan i da većinu vremena provodi zaključan u podrumu. Tako da odlučuje otkriti o čemu se tu radi.
U sitnim se noćnim satima šulja do podruma, otkriva vazu, a što je najvažnije, otkriva jednu od tajni koju vaza skriva. Pritom pronalazi inspiraciju za daljnjim radom na svojoj strasti, a mladi Edward Lawrence, poznanik kojeg upoznaje na tom putu, dobiva priliku za uspjeh i ulazak u najvažnije znanstvene krugove toga doba. Samo je potrebno otkriti porijeklo vaze, njezinu starost, a što je najvažnije, njezinu autentičnost.

Daleko od toga da me oduševila, nije. Priča je u redu, lagana i solidna - da se tako najjednostavnije izrazim. Bez prevelikih trzavica i neočekivanih zapleta.
Uživala sam u njezinoj lakoći, u tijeku radnje koja se nije zadržavala predugo na jednom mjestu i umarala nepotrebnim opisima i razvlačenjima radnje. Ali nedostaje mi neki žar, neka žustra volja i želja za zapletom toliko bombastičnim da će čitatelja ostaviti bez riječi. Nedostajao mi je taj dio gdje ne želim ostaviti knjigu sa strane sve dok ne dođem do kraja.
Također, bila mi je poprilično predvidljiva jer sam točno znala što nam na idućoj stranici slijedi, tako da mi je zapravo trenutak raspleta čitave situacije bio u skladu s očekivanim. Nešto što me dodatno muči jest čitava ta misterioznost kojom je vaza okrunjena. Naime, vaza preživjela tisuće godina neoštećena, odoljela je zubu vremena i ostala postojana. A s druge strane, tko god se ozlijedio na njezine rubove, biva zaražen nekom bolešću.
Nekako sam vjerovala da će priča ići u tom smjeru. Da će se oko vaze vrtjeti neka dubina i snaga misterioznosti koja nam je najavljena tijekom same priče i da će prouzrokovati snažnije zaplete. Ali na kraju mi je taj dio izostao. I u tom grmu leži moje razočaranje.
Sama ideja priče mi se svidjela. Tematika, likovi, motivacija koja iz priče proizlazi, na mene su djelovali pozitivno i nadahnjujuće. Čitajući, dobila sam mogućnost ulaska u prošlost koju toliko volim, ali i poticaj da malo dublje istražim priču koja se skriva iza mita o Pandorinoj kutiji.
Tako da bih vam ponovno, kao i kod svakog naslova, preporučila da ju pročitate. Možda upravo vi pronađete taj žar koji je meni iskliznuo iz ruku. Možda pronađete odgovore koji su se skrili između redaka te uspijete barem jedan dio misterija pokazati svijetu.
Kako god bilo, jedva čekam da mi javite kako se vama svidjela. :)
Do iduće objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga
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My rating: 3 / 5
Goodreads rating: 3.75 / 5
Publisher: Stilus
Genre: historical fantasy novel
Number of pages: 440
What would you do if you held one of the world's greatest secrets in your hands? What would you do if one of the greatest myths and legends was part of your personal collection? Something whose knowledge would bring numerous answers to the eternal questions of humanity?
Would you keep the above for yourself, for your own benefit, or would you share that knowledge, that treasure, with the whole world? Would you sell such a valuable that really has no price, or would you devote yourself to researching every detail of the item?
In this book, the story revolves around a vase located in London at the very end of the 18th century. According to the research possibilities of that time, it was determined that it is so old that it is not possible to define the time of its creation. Whatever period of history they were comparing, they could not place the vase anywhere. In addition, its entire surface is covered with numerous impressive scenes of the creation of the world, emerging from Zeus's powerful scepter. What is most interesting, at the end of the presented story, there is a girl with an object in her hand. Her name was Pandora...
Our main protagonist of the story is also named Pandora. She is special and different, she jumps out of the given framework and established norms. She doesn't behave like all the girls of that era, she doesn't care how many small bites she will put in her mouth, whether she will hurt someone with her honesty, and still remain herself. She does not think that every woman should only have the embroidery skills, know how to play the piano, wear gloves and make sure that no man sees her ankle.
She is creative. She has the power to transfer her ideas from the imaginary world to this one in the form of objects that could make other women happy and more important in society. She is eager for freedom and independence, success in an area that interests and pleases her and in which she finds comfort.
She is a great girl and I can say that I liked her at first. I like to read about such personalities. To see their courage to tread paths that others do not dare or give up too easily.
I found myself in that story because I always strive to experience something where most would give up. I am not satisfied with the average or essential satisfactory, but I thirst for a higher scale, for the new and unknown, for knowledge. And this is exactly how Pandora (Dora) is as a person.
As I have already stated, our entire story revolves around a mysterious vase that Dora's uncle Hezekiah Blake brought from the dark corners of the blue sea. He keeps it locked in the basement of the store, away from the prying eyes of the outside world. In the process, he investigates and tries to discover the secret that the vase hides, which can bring him unseen treasures. So many treasures that he no longer has to spend a day in his life in criminal activities, which he normally does.
Pandora realizes something is up. She notices changes in her uncle's behavior. She sees that he is grumpy all day and spends most of his time locked in the basement. So she decides to find out what it is all about.
In the wee hours of the night, she sneaks to the basement, discovers a vase, and most importantly, discovers one of the secrets that the vase hides. In the process, she finds inspiration to continue working on her passion, and young Edward Lawrence, an acquaintance she meets along the way, gets a chance to succeed and enter the most important scientific circles of that era. It is only necessary to discover the origin of the vase, its age, and most importantly, its authenticity.
The book is far from making me enthusiastic. The story is fine, light and solid - to put it simply. Without excessive friction and unexpected entanglements.
I enjoyed its lightness, the flow of the plot that did not stay too long in one place and making me feel tired of unnecessary descriptions and stretching of the plot. But I lack some ardor, some quick will and desire for a plot so bombastic that it will leave the reader speechless. I missed that part where I don't want to put the book down until I get to the end.
Also, it was quite predictable for me because I knew exactly what would follow on the next page, so the moment of the unfolding of the whole situation was in line with what I expected. Something that bothers me even more is the whole mysteriousness with which the vase is crowned. Namely, the vase survived thousands of years undamaged, withstood the test of time and remained steadfast. And on the other hand, whoever injures himself on its edges becomes infected with some disease.
I somehow believed that the story would go in that direction. That the vase will revolve around a certain depth and power of mystery that was announced to us during the story itself and that it will cause stronger complications. But in the end I missed that part. And in that bush lies my disappointment.
I liked the very idea of the story. The theme, the characters, the motivation that emerges from the story, had a positive and inspiring effect on me. While reading, I got the opportunity to enter the past that I love so much, but also the incentive to explore the story that hides behind the myth of Pandora's box.
So again, as with every title, I would recommend you to read it. Perhaps it is you who will find that glow that slipped out of my hands. You might find the answers that were hidden between the lines and manage to show at least one part of the mystery to the world.
Anyway, I can't wait for you to let me know how you liked it. :)
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you