Moja ocjena: 3 / 5
Goodreads ocjena: 4,10 / 5
Izdavač: Vorto Palabra
Žanr: sažetak raznih misli, citata, ideja; knjiga motivacije i razmišljanja; self help
Broj stranica: 248
"Sada kad me je patnja bolje poučila
od svih pouka, te sam shvatila
što je vaše srce nekoć osjećalo.
Bila sam skršena i slomljena,
ali se nadam da sam se
u bolju pretvorila."
Charles Dickens, Velika očekivanja
Za nekoga tko tek ulazi u temu borbe i suživota s depresijom, pronalaska one lijepe strane života unatoč mraku koji depresija donosi i dijeljenja svog iskustva sa svijetom, ovo je pravi odabir za čitanje.
Za nekoga tko nije imao prilike iskusiti takvo stanje ili se tek izvlači iz mračnih dubina depresije, ova knjiga označava savršeni početak, odličan prvi korak i ruku spasenja.
Za nekoga tko je već upoznao depresiju i život Matt Haiga, vidio svijet njegovim očima i iskusio njegovu borbu s depresijom, ova knjiga predstavlja ponavljanje gradiva...
Prepuna doskočica, duhovitih misli i želje za dobrim osjećajem u duši i tijelu, knjiga Matt Haiga pod nazivom Knjiga utjehe, uistinu je nešto što vam može pružiti utjehu, ako za njom tragate. Ako ste željni doze pozitive ili želite svaki dan započeti pozitivnom mišlju, unutar Knjige utjehe pronaći ćete što tražite.
Što se mog sveopćeg dojma tiče, knjiga mi predstavlja čisto ponavljanje gradiva. Nakon pročitanih knjiga Zašto ostati živ i Ponoćne knjižnice, druga dva djela istog autora, Knjiga utjehe nije ispunila zadana očekivanja, nije polučila wow efekt kojemu sam težila i koji sam spoznala kroz druga njegova djela.
Da sam ju čitala prvu, sigurno bi mi zaslužila svih 5 zvjezdica, ali u ovoj fazi života, poslužila mi je više kao podsjetnik nego kao poziv na buđenje.
Unatoč tomu, želim da ju pročitate. Upravo iz razloga što ćete pronaći brojne pozitivne misli, iskusiti Mattovo putovanje iz crnih predjela u one obasjane suncem, ali i otkriti brojne citate koje možete kasnije iskoristiti kao budilice.
Kroz njegove riječi ćete otkriti drugu stranu života, moguće onu koje sami niste svjesni. Na tom će vam putu pružiti utjehu, opuštanje, sreću i smijeh. Kroz njegove oči shvatit ćete koliko zapravo život može biti lijep, obasjan suncem i prepun topline.
Upustite se u ovo putovanje. Matt Haig je uistinu netko tko vam može pomoći da pronađete svjetlost na kraju tunela, bez obzira na to kako se u danom trenutku osjećali.
"Čitajte knjigu ne razmišljajući o tome kada ćete je pročitati do kraja. Jednostavno je čitajte. Uživajte u svakoj riječi, rečenici i odlomku. Nemojte željeti da joj dođe kraj ili da joj nikada ne dođe kraj."
Matt Haig
Do iduće objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga
My rating: 3 / 5
Goodreads rating: 4.10 / 5
Publisher: Vorto Palabra
Genre: summary of various thoughts, quotes, ideas; a book of motivation and thinking; self help
Number of pages: 248
"Now that suffering has taught me better
of all the lessons, I understood that
what your heart once felt.
I was shattered and broken,
but I hope I did
changed for the better."
Charles Dickens, The Great Expectations
For someone new to the topic of fighting and living with depression, finding the bright side of life despite the darkness that depression brings, and sharing your experience with the world, this is the right choice to read.
For someone who has not had the opportunity to experience such a state or is just emerging from the dark depths of depression, this book marks the perfect beginning, a great first step and a helping hand.
For someone who has already learned about depression and the life of Matt Haig, seen the world through his eyes and experienced his struggle with depression, this book is a repetition of knowledge...
Full of jokes, witty thoughts and the desire to feel good in the soul and body, Matt Haig's book called The Comfort Book is truly something that can give you comfort, if you are looking for it. If you are looking for a dose of positivity or want to start each day with a positive thought, you will find what you are looking for in The Comfort Book.
As far as my overall impression is concerned, the book represents to me a pure repetition of the previously gathered knowledge. After reading Reasons to stay alive and The Midnight Library, the other two books by the same author, The Comfort Book did not meet the set expectations, it did not achieve the wow effect that I was aiming for and that I got to know through his other books.
If I had read it first, it would certainly have earned all 5 stars, but at this stage of my life, it served me more as a reminder than a wake-up call.
Nevertheless, I want you to read it. Precisely for the reason that you will find many positive thoughts, experience Matt's journey from dark areas to those lit by the sun, but also discover many quotes that you can later use as alarm clocks.
Through his words, you will discover another side of life, possibly one that you are not aware of. Along the way, it will provide you with comfort, relaxation, happiness and laughter. Through his eyes, you will understand how beautiful life can actually be, illuminated by the sun and full of warmth.
Embark on this journey. Matt Haig is truly someone who can help you find the light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how you feel at the time.
"Read a book without thinking about when you'll finish it. Just read it. Enjoy every word, sentence, and paragraph. Don't want it to end or never end."
Matt Haig
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you