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Afera Christie - Nina de Gramont (HRV & ENG)

Moja ocjena: 5 / 5

Goodreads ocjena: 3,75 / 5

Izdavač: Stilus

Značenje imena Agathe Christie meni je oduvijek predstavljalo samo jedno - autoricu knjiga o slavnom detektivu Herculeu Poirotu. Nikad prije nisam razmišljala o tomu tko je ona zapravo bila, kakav je život vodila, otkuda je crpila inspiraciju i slično. Ona je za mene jednostavno postojala i pisala nešto iz čega sam ja sama crpila oduševljenje i inspiraciju.

Odrasla sam upijajući scene iz filmova, pratila svaku riječ i pokret likova kako bih prije Poirota shvatila tko je zločinac i jedva čekala novi nastavak. Uz Poirota, shvatila sam kako volim istraživati, otkrivati tajne i pritom se, dolazeći do rješenja, osjećati kao pobjednik. Bila sam, i još sam uvijek, prepuna udivljenja prema veličini njegova uma, a ujedno i oduševljenja kako je čitav taj veliki um proizašao iz pera jedne žene - Agathe Christie.

Agathu sam oduvijek zamišljala kao bakicu koja po cijele dane tucka po pisaćoj mašini, prepuna želje da što prije napiše novu izvanrednu pustolovinu slavnog detektiva (ali i gospođe Marple, nemojmo zaboraviti).

Sad ju gledam kao mladu ženu koja ima obitelj, koja se nastoji uvući u spisateljske krugove te ostvariti uspjeh, ali ne sa ciljem ostvarenja svjetske slave već kako bi osigurala miran i bezbrižan život svojoj obitelji. Želi ostvariti uspjeh u onomu što najviše u životu voli i u čemu uživa.

Tako da se moja slika o toj izvanrednoj ženi uvelike promijenila.

Afera Christie prepuna je pomiješanih osjećaja, bolnih scena, srcedrapajućih za bilo koga tko je iskusio bol gubitka, ali i prepuna toliko oslobađajućih i doslovno katarzičnih trenutaka koje u vama stvaraju ogroman vrtlog osjećaja sreće, ispunjenosti i slobode.

Čitava priča o Agathinom nestanku u trajanju od 11 dana, ispričana nam je kroz oči ljubavnice njezina muža, Nan O'Dea. Kroz Aferu saznajemo što se s Agathom događalo, do kakvih je spoznaja i životnih odluka došla, s kime se na tom putu našla te koje su tajne izišle na vidjelo. Ali to nije sve. U priči saznajemo o mračnoj Naninoj prošlosti i koji su događaji uzrokovali njezine korake u budućnosti, a opet usko vezane uz obitelj Christie.

Ovo je jedna predivna priča koja će vam pokazati kako ustaljen i programiran način života nije ono za što smo stvoreni. Stvoreni smo da budemo slobodni, da volimo, uživamo i stalno se smijemo. Bez ikakvih loših osjećaja, bez ičega što bi nas pokopalo u tamne dubine. A najmanje smo stvoreni da živimo u lancima...

Što se tiče same knjige, vjerujem kako ste već shvatili moje osjećaje i što ću vam dalje reći. :)

Odlična je i ne mogu vjerovati koliko je detaljno, kvalitetno, a opet toliko pitko i nježno napisana. Svaka se scena može toliko lako predočiti, likovi se mogu pratiti te niti ne primijetite kako se broj stranica sve brže povećava. Nisam ju mogla pustiti dok nisam završila, dok nisam shvatila što se sve dogodilo, kako se sve odigralo i kako se zapravo sudbina pobrine da dobijemo upravo ono što nam je namijenjeno.

Agathu obožavam jer sam ju ovime imala prilike upoznati unatoč tomu što nam nije primarno glavni lik priče. Uživala sam u njezinih 11 dana nestanka jer vjerujem kako je u tom periodu i ona sama najviše života udahnula. Za Nan ne mogu reći ništa loše. Unatoč tomu što je čitav moj revolt bio od početka usmjeren na nju, daljnjim razvojem priče, shvatila sam sve njezine korake. Tako da ju ne mogu gledati kao negativca već kao osobu koja je, kroz najveću životnu bol, odlučila poduzeti korake protiv cijelog svijeta te konačno sastaviti svoje srce natrag u jedan komad, ispunjen ljubavlju.

Do iduće objave,

Voli vas vaša Goga


Ako vas zanima detaljnije saznati o nestanku Agathe Christie, u nastavku vam donosim nekoliko zanimljivih članaka:

If you are interested in learning more about the disappearance of Agatha Christie, below are some interesting articles:


My rating: 5 / 5

Goodreads rating: 3.75 / 5

Publisher: Stilus

The meaning of the name Agatha Christie has always meant only one thing to me - the author of books about the famous detective Hercule Poirot. I had never before thought about who she really was, what kind of life she led, where she got her inspiration from, and other facts about her life. For me, she simply existed and wrote something from which I myself drew enthusiasm and inspiration.

I grew up absorbing scenes from the movies, followed every word and movement of the characters in order to understand who the criminal was before Poirot and couldn't wait for the new sequel. With Poirot, I realized that I like to investigate, uncover secrets, and at the same time, when I reach a solution, feel like a winner. I was, and still am, filled with admiration for the greatness of his mind, and at the same time with delight that this entire great mind came from the pen of one woman - Agatha Christie.

I have always imagined Agatha as a grandmother who taps on a typewriter all day long, full of desire to write a new extraordinary adventure of the famous detective (but also of Mrs. Marple, let's not forget).

Now I see her as a young woman who has a family, who tries to get into the writing circles and achieve success, but not with the goal of world fame, but to ensure a peaceful and carefree life for her family. She wants to achieve success in what she loves and enjoys most in life.

So my image of that extraordinary woman has changed a lot.

The Christie Affair is full of mixed feelings, painful scenes, heartbreaking for anyone who has experienced the pain of loss, but also full of so many liberating and literally cathartic moments that create a huge whirlwind of happiness, fulfillment and freedom.

The whole story of Agatha's 11-day disappearance is told through the eyes of her husband's mistress, Nan O'Dea. Through The Christie Affair, we find out what happened to Agatha, what realizations and life decisions she came to, who she met along the way, and what secrets came out. But that is not all. In the story, we learn about Nan's dark past and what events caused her steps in the future, yet closely related to the Christie family.

This is a wonderful story that will show you how that a fixed and programmed way of life is not what we were created for. We were created to be free, to love, enjoy and laugh all the time. Without any bad feelings, without anything to bury us in the dark depths. And that we were definately not created to live in chains...

As for the book itself, I believe you have already understood my feelings and what I will tell you next. :)

It's great and I can't believe how detailed, high-quality, and yet so sweetly and gently written it is. Each scene can be imagined so easily, the characters can be followed and you don't even notice that the number of pages is increasing faster and faster. I couldn't let it go until I finished, until I understood what happened, how everything played out and how fate actually makes sure that we get exactly what we were meant to.

I adore Agatha because I had the opportunity to meet her through this, despite the fact that she is not primarily the main character of the story. I enjoyed her 11 days of disappearance because I believe that during that period she was full of life like she has never been before. I can't say anything bad about Nan. Despite the fact that my entire negativity was directed at her from the beginning, with the further development of the story, I understood all her steps. So I can't see her as a villain, but as a person who, through the greatest pain of her life, decided to take steps against the whole world and finally put her heart back into one piece, filled with love.

Until the next post,

Your Goga loves you

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