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Arijadna - Jennifer Saint (HRV & ENG)

Moja ocjena: 5 / 5

Goodreads ocjena: 3,83 / 5

Izdavač: Mozaik knjiga

Koja je ovo knjiga! Ne, ne mogu tako početi s objavom... hm... Probat ću ovako: dragi moji... jeste li svjesni koliko je ova knjiga dobra? Znate li kakav čarobni komadić povijesti dobivate ulaskom u događaje prikazane unutar ove knjige? Jeste li svjesni kako, nakon ovakvog uvoda, morate pročitati Arijadnu i to što je prije moguće? :) Nadam se da jeste jer ovako nešto se ne smije propustiti.

Veliki sam zaljubljenik u povijest. Oduvijek sam uživala čitajući o nekadašnjim vremenima i ličnostima koje su ih obilježile. Pohodila sam natjecanja iz Povijesti jer sam uživala u svom tom znanju koje sam marljivo skupljala i htjela sam to pokazati na drugačiji način, osim kroz ocjene. A sada... čitajući o Arijadni, Tezeju i Minotauru, konačno mi nekadašnja imena nakratko spomenuta unutar udžbenika, dobivaju svoja lica, karakter i stvarnost koju su proživjeli.

Lako je ispričati priču o Minotauru i klupku vune (tzv. Arijadnino klupko) pomoću kojeg je Tezej izašao iz Labirinta. Lako je predočiti si priču o Arijadni, kretskoj princezi, i njezinoj odvažnosti te otvorenom revoltu protiv vlastitog oca. Čitati Racineovu Fedru i stvoriti sliku njezina karaktera. Sve je to lako. Ali... imati na raspolaganju gotovo 400 stranica koje detaljno opisuju svaki trenutak vezan uz sve te ličnosti, daje potpuno drugačiju sliku.

Bila istinita ili ne, bila točna koliko god je to moguće, mogu reći kako sam uistinu uživala čitajući o Arijadni, ali i o svim drugim likovima koji nam se isprepliću kroz priču. Na momente sam bila revoltirana i ljuta, na momente u strahu, ali isto tako sam bila preplavljena okusima grožđa, okupana suncem, prepuna morske soli po tijelu i riječi ljubavi.

Jer svi se osjećaji, okusi i mirisi pojavljuju, preplavljuju vam osjetila i tjeraju da zamišljate sve te scene što je intenzivnije i jasnije moguće.

Priča je pisana dosta opširno i detaljno (ipak ima gotovo 400 stranica), ali način pisanja je ipak prepun nježnosti, radnja se brzo odvija i nema dosadnih momenata ispunjenih beskonačnim opisima. Svaki lik dobiva svoje lice, svaki obronak svoju travku, svaka stijena svoju oštrinu pod nogama, a svaka izdaja svoju bol oko srca.

Čitajući Arijadnu, dobivate priliku prošetati Kretom i samim Labirintom, plesati na Arijadninom omiljenom mjestu, upoznati Dedala, razumjeti Pasifajine postupke, jesti grožđe sa Dionizom, dotaknuti lišće u šumama Naksosa, diviti se morskom plavetnilu grčkog otočja te štošta drugo.

Autorica se toliko potrudila dočarati vam okolinu i intenzitet svakog događaja da se osjećate kao da ste ondje prisutni i šećete korak uz korak sa Arijadnom, Tezejem, Fedrom i drugima.

Mogla bih vam još toliko toga ispričati, ali ne želim vam otkriti previše. Jer naravno, nije svaka priča ispunjena uživanjem uz čašu vina, ljuljuškanje na valovima i slično. Kao svaka druga priča, i ova ima svoje tamne trenutke. Ali unatoč toj tmini, ja vam hrabro mogu reći kako se radi o odličnoj priči, onoj koja će vam pokazati kako je sudbina nepredvidljiva i kako se niti bogova samovoljno isprepliću.

Uz to, ova će vam knjiga pokazati kako trebate prihvatiti posljedice svojih djela, ali i činjenicu kako, kada se jednom klupko krene odmotavati, nema više natrag. Neke se stvari više ne mogu vratiti i to nam se jasno daje do znanja kroz gotovo čitavu knjigu.

Prošle godine, kada sam krenula pisati svoje misli u okviru bloga, nisam ni sanjala s kakvim ću se sve knjigama susresti. Do koje ću količine znanja doći i koliko će me obogatiti. Takve me misli oblijeću kad god se sjetim Kirke, s kojom sam vas nedavno upoznala, a sada se isto događa i sa Arijadnom. Shvatila sam kako je moje znanje o povijesnim događajima poprilično isparilo, ali sretna sam što kroz knjige dobivam priliku ta znanja ponovno usvojiti.


Ako vas zanima, recenziju Kirke možete pronaći na linku u nastavku:


Što se tiče same Arijadne, želim da ju pročitate. Otkrijte taj predivan svijet antike i grčkih bogova; dođite do spoznaje kako je čovjek zapravo malen u njihovim očima i kako se njihova naklonost okreće prema onomu kojemu je sudbina namijenila bolje karte.

Vjerujte mi, isplati se otisnuti na taj put.

Do iduće objave,

Voli vas vaša Goga


My rating: 5 / 5

Goodreads rating: 3.83 / 5

Publisher: Mozaik knjiga

What a book this is! No, I can't start this post like that... um... I'll try it like this: my dears... are you aware of how good this book is? Do you know what a magical piece of history you get by entering the events depicted within this book? Are you aware that, after this introduction, you must read Ariadne and that as soon as possible? :) I hope so, because something like this should not be missed.

I am a big lover of history. I have always enjoyed reading about former times and the personalities that marked them. I attended History competitions because I enjoyed all the knowledge I had diligently gathered and I wanted to show it in a different way, other than through grades. And now... reading about Ariadne, Theseus and the Minotaur, finally the former names briefly mentioned in the textbook, get their faces, character and the reality they lived through.

It is easy to tell the story of the Minotaur and the ball of wool (the so-called Ariadne's ball) with which Theseus got out of the Labyrinth. It is easy to imagine the story of Ariadne, the Cretan princess, and her courage and open rebellion against her own father. Read Racine's Phaedra and create an image of her character. It's all easy. But... having at your disposal almost 400 pages that describe in detail every moment related to all these personalities, gives a completely different picture.

True or not, being as accurate as it can be, I can say that I truly enjoyed reading about Ariadne, but also about all the other characters that are intertwined throughout the story. At times I was revolted and angry, at times in fear, but I was also overwhelmed by the flavors of grapes, bathed in the sun, full of sea salt on my body and words of love.

Because all the feelings, tastes and smells appear, overwhelm your senses and make you imagine all these scenes as intensely and clearly as possible.

The story is written quite extensively and in detail (almost 400 pages, after all), but the way of writing is still full of tenderness, the plot unfolds quickly and there are no boring moments filled with endless descriptions. Each character gets its own face, each slope its grass, each rock its sharpness, and each betrayal its pain around the heart.

Reading Ariadne, you get the chance to walk around Crete and the Labyrinth itself, dance in Ariadne's favorite place, meet Daedalus, understand Pasipha's actions, eat grapes with Dionysus, touch the leaves in the forests of Naxos, admire the blue sea of ​​the Greek islands and much more.

The author tried so hard to convey the environment and the intensity of each event that you feel as if you were there and walking step by step with Ariadne, Theseus, Phaedra and others.

I could tell you so much more, but I don't want to reveal too much. Because of course, not every story is filled with enjoyment with a glass of wine, swinging on the waves and such as that. Like any other story, this one has its dark moments. But despite that gloom, I can boldly tell you that it is a great story, one that will show you how fate is unpredictable and how the threads of the gods intertwine arbitrarily.

In addition, this book will show you how you should accept the consequences of your actions, but also the fact that, once the ball starts to unravel, there is no going back. Some things can no longer be returned and this is made clear to us throughout almost the entire book.

Last year, when I started writing my thoughts through the blog, I had no idea what kind of books I would come across. What amount of knowledge will I get and how much it will enrich me. Such thoughts flood me whenever I think of Circe, with whom I recently met you, and now the same is happening with Ariadne. I realized that my knowledge about historical events has evaporated quite a bit, but I'm happy that through books I get the opportunity to learn this knowledge again.


If you are interested, you can find a review of Circe at the link below:


As for Ariadne itself, I want you to read it. Discover that wonderful world of antiquity and Greek gods; come to the realization of how small man really is in their eyes and how their affection turns to him for whom fate has dealt better cards.

Bila istinita ili ne, bila točna koliko god je to moguće, mogu reći kako sam uistinu uživala čitajući o Arijadni, ali i o svim drugim likovima koji nam se isprepliću kroz priču. Na momente sam bila revoltirana i ljuta, na momente u strahu, ali isto tako sam bila preplavljena okusima grožđa, okupana suncem, prepuna morske soli po tijelu i riječima ljubavi. .

Until the next post,

Your Goga loves you

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