Moja ocjena: 5 / 5
Goodreads ocjena: 3,90 / 5
Izdavač: Znanje
Žanr: povijesni roman
Broj stranica: 343
"Valja život pretvoriti u san, a san u stvarnost."
Marie Curie
Moji me čitalački odabiri u posljednje vrijeme poprilično iznenađuju. Naime, kroz zadnjih sam nekoliko naslova dobila priliku produbiti svoje znanje i steći razumijevanje dosta zanimljivih tema. Tako sam se našla usred procesa progona vještica u Americi 17. stoljeća, potom sam upoznala predivnu Sisi, koja mi je donedavno bila potpuna nepoznanica i doznala brojne detalje njezina života, a sada sam dobila priliku upoznati slavnu madame Curie.
Predivno se društvo oko mene skuplja i to me neizmjerno veseli. Sami znate koliko težim znanju, a kroz sve sam dosad pročitane naslove dobila priliku barem jedan dio znanja nadopuniti, nešto novo naučiti i obogatiti sebe kao osobu. Uz to, kroz moj entuzijazam na temelju svake pročitane knjige, osjećam kako vas potičem da i vi krenete čitati preporučene naslove i podijelite svoje dojmove, a moguće nešto i naučite.
Madame Curie i snaga jednog sna knjiga je koja prikazuje životne izazove i postignuća jedne od najpoznatijih znanstvenica - koja je ikad kročila svijetom. Kroz njezine retke dobivate priliku pratiti Marie tijekom njezina djetinjstva i školovanja, ranu mladost, prvo zaposlenje i prvu ljubav, odlazak u Pariz na daljnje školovanje, upoznavanje s ljubavi njezina života te osjetiti njihovu zajedničku strast prema znanosti. Osim toga, dobivate priliku karakterno ju upoznati te shvatiti što ju je tokom života oblikovalo da postane ženom kakva je bila.
Susrevši se s raznim ljudima unutar svoje svakodnevice, Marie ponovno proživljava i prepričava određene značajne trenutke života. Pritom joj niz lice klize suze, ali osmijeh je prisutan, dok su sjećanja toliko živa, da ima osjećaj kako joj se čitav život odigrava pred očima.
Budući da sam objavu krenula pisati dok sam još aktivno čitala knjigu, misli su me vodile u druge životne sfere. Pa si razmišljam kako smo temu Marie Curie, njezinih postignuća i života, imali priliku ukratko susresti u školskim klupama. I drago mi je da jesmo jer sad u kasnijim godinama života, uz veću dostupnost informacija, dobivam priliku neke segmente povijesti ponovno naučiti, podsjetiti se nekih događaja, ali i ući u živote poznatih ličnosti.
Tako da mogu reći kako sam sretna i zahvalna što sam kroz svoj slobodan odabir dobila priliku upoznati jednu tako važnu ličnost u povijesti čovječanstva, kao što je Marie Curie.
Moram vam priznati kako sam se malo mučila dok nisam došla do "onog zanimljivog dijela priče". Na momente sam žalila što sam ju odabrala za čitanje, ali nakon određenog broja stranica sam toliko srasla s njezinom karizmom, željom za radom i otkrićem, da sam jednostavno morala znati što me još čeka dok dođem do zadnje stranice.
Iz tog bih vam razloga htjela reći kako bi bilo u redu da se naoružate živcima - pogotovo za prvi dio knjige. Mogu čak reći kako mi je Mariein prikaz djetinjstva bio najmučniji i dosta je opširno prikazan, ali shvaćam da, kada tog dijela ne bi bilo, nedostajao bi mi značajan dio slagalice te ne bih znala zašto je postala osobom kakva je bila niti koji su joj bili životni motivatori. Ali istovremeno vam mogu reći kako je vrijedilo proći kroz njezine stranice. I koliko god mi je bilo žao što ju nisam ostavila za neko drugo raspoloženje, toliko mogu reći kako mi je ipak drago što sam ju pročitala.
Svaki san može postati stvarnost.
Na nama jest da damo sve od sebe kako bismo ga ostvarili.
Do iduće objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga
Ako sam vas uspjela zainteresirati za život i rad Marie Curie, slobodno pogledate kratak video u nastavku. Primijetila sam dosta sličnosti sa knjigom, tako da vam može poslužiti kao odličan uvod u temu. :)
My rating: 5 / 5
Goodreads rating: 3.90 / 5
Publisher: Znanje
Genre: historical novel
Number of pages: 343
"You have to turn your life into a dream, and your dream into reality."
Marie Curie
My reading choices have surprised me quite a bit lately. Namely, through the last few titles, I got the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and gain an understanding of many interesting topics. So I found myself in the middle of the process of witch persecution in America in the 17th century, then I met the beautiful Sisi, who until recently was a complete stranger to me and learned many details of her life, and now I got the chance to meet the famous Madame Curie.
A wonderful company gathers around me and that makes me immensely happy. You know how much I strive for knowledge, and through all the titles I've read so far, I've had the opportunity to supplement at least one part of my knowledge, learn something new, and enrich myself as a person. In addition, through my enthusiasm based on each book I read, I feel that I encourage you to start reading the recommended titles, share your impressions, and possibly learn something more.
Madame Curie and the Power of a Dream is a book that shows the life challenges and achievements of one of the most famous scientists - who ever walked the Earth. Through her lines, you get the chance to follow Marie during her childhood and schooling, early youth, first job and first love, going to Paris for further education, meeting the love of her life and feeling their shared passion for science. In addition, you get the opportunity to get to know her character and to understand what shaped her during her life to become the woman she was.
Meeting various people in her everyday life, Marie relives and recounts certain significant moments of her life. At the same time, tears slide down her face, but the smile is present, while the memories are so vivid, that she has the feeling that her whole life is playing out before her eyes.
Since I started writing the post while I was still actively reading the book, my thoughts led me to other spheres of life. So I think to myself that we had the opportunity to briefly meet the topic of Marie Curie, her achievements and life in school classrooms. And I'm glad we did because now in the later years of my life, with greater availability of information, I get the opportunity to relearn some segments of history, to remember some events, but also to enter the lives of famous personalities.
So I can say that I am happy and grateful that through my free choice I got the opportunity to meet such an important figure in the history of mankind, such as Marie Curie.
I have to admit that I struggled a bit until I got to "that interesting part of the story". At times I regretted choosing her, but after a certain number of pages, I grew so attached to her charisma, desire to work and discovery, that I simply had to know what else awaits me by the time I reach the last page.
For this reason, I would like to tell you that it would be okay to arm yourself with nerves - especially for the first part of the book. I can even say that Marie's portrayal of her childhood was the most harrowing for me, and it's shown quite extensively, but I realize that if that part wasn't there, I'd be missing a significant piece of the puzzle, and I wouldn't know why she became the person she was or which were her life motivators. But at the same time I can tell you that it was worth going through its pages. And as much as I was sorry that I didn't leave it for another mood, I can say that I am still glad that I read it.
Every dream can become reality.
It is up to us to do our best to achieve it.
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you
If I managed to interest you in the life and work of Marie Curie, feel free to watch the short video above. I noticed a lot of similarities with the book, so it can serve as an excellent introduction to the topic. :)