Moja ocjena: 4 / 5
Goodreads ocjena: 4,12 / 5
Izdavač: Fokus
Postoji li onaj pravi? Je li moguće znanošću i misterioznom formulom doći do te spoznaje? Kako biste postupili da vam se pruži prilika doznati tko je vaša srodna duša? Da potvrdite ono što osjećate čitav život ili da pustite sve što imate i pođete za tom jednom osobom, koju vam je znanost predodredila?

Kroz radnju pratimo paletu različitih ličnosti i životnih scenarija - od osobe koja putuje na drugi kraj svijeta kako bi uživo upoznala svoju srodnu dušu, od kronične radoholičarke koja osim posla ne vidi ništa drugo u životu, od muškarca kojemu je život predodredio muškarca pa sve do žene koja se zaljubljuje u čovjeka kojeg na životu održavaju aparati.
Svi oni imaju svoje živote, svoje borbe i svoje užitke. Svi imaju nešto što ih muči i boli, ali i usrećuje te ispunjava. Ulaskom u svijet DNK testiranja s ciljem otkrivanja srodne duše, životi im uzimaju novi zaokret - i to onaj u smjeru znatiželje i otkrića je li ta osoba, čije su se molekule spojile s njihovima, uistinu ona prava osoba, kojoj svi težimo u životu.
Različite ličnosti, različita paleta boja koja proizlazi iz svake od njih, a priča toliko zanimljiva da ju ne možete pustiti iz ruku. Nježno vas uljuljkava i pušta da otkrivate kako se svaki lik koprca u novoj stvarnosti, u koju ih je ubacila jedna obična, a opet revolucionarna formula.
Jedino što mi nekako nedostaje jest neka žešća akcija, munjeviti zaplet priče. Budući da volim biti obuzeta radnjom i držati samu sebe u grču dok ne otkrijem o čemu se radi, toliko mi je taj dio nedostajao. Ali Bože moj, ne može svaka knjiga biti onakva kako sam si ja to zamislila. I uistinu sam neizmjerno uživala čitajući ju jer se još sa takvom radnjom i takvom idejom poimanja života nisam susrela.
Paralelno, krenula sam razmišljati što bi bilo kada bi takav scenarij bio moguć. Bismo li se odvažili na testiranje pa makar to značilo životni zaokret za 360 stupnjeva? Uništiti sve što se godinama slagalo i na čijim se temeljima stvarala ljubav? Ostaviti osobu koju u dušu poznajete radi nekoga koga vam je znanost predodredila, a koga niste nikad u životu vidjeli i upoznali? Ili bi sve ostalo isto, u slučaju da test pokaže kako ste već pronašli svoju srodnu dušu?
Kod ove čarobne formule gubi se taj misterij otkrivanja druge osobe, postepenog upoznavanja i tih malih i slatkih koraka koji, u konačnici, dovode do onoga što vam je suđeno.
Koliko god zanimljivo zvučalo, sumnjam da bih se sama na to odvažila. Volim osjetiti neku sigurnost u životu, uz što manje podrhtavanja. Ne volim da mi se čeprka po svakodnevici - volim svoju zonu komfora, koju svojevoljno povremeno stresem. Paralelno, smatram da sam svoju srodnu dušu pronašla i da mi ne treba znanost govoriti što i kako dalje. Vjerujem kako smo i dalje sposobni u čitavom svijetu naletjeti na onog pravog ili onu pravu i da se znanost ne bi trebala petljati u taj dio ljudske prirode i intime.

Osim toga, kada si sad malo razmišljam, zašto to mora biti osoba? Što ako odete na testiranje pa ispadne da nemate srodnu dušu u obliku čovjeka već nečeg drugog? Uz to, zašto mora ta tema biti vezana uz fizičku ljubav prema osobi? Srodna duša se može očitovati i u obliku istih životnih interesa i stavova, možda ljubavi prema hrani i putovanjima? Sa osobom koju volite više od ičega u životu možete sve, ali primjerice, ne možete putovati jer ta osoba više voli biti na jednom mjestu. Ali zato ste si našli nekoga tko vam je inače u redu, ne gajite ljubavne osjećaje, ali vam je ta osoba srodna duša po pitanju putovanja. Možda dijelite ljubav i srodnost na temelju slikarstva? Biciklizma? Hrane? Životnih strasti i stavova? Potrebno je sagledati čitavu sliku, izvan zadanih okvira, a ne se voditi samo time što vam je netko stavio u fokus.
Što se tiče knjige Onaj pravi, neću previše duljiti već bih vam preporučila da ju pročitate. Mene je uistinu iznenadila i ne mogu reći da sam se loše osjećala dok sam ju čitala. Nije zamorna niti autor dulji sa previše objašnjavanja nepotrebnih i znanstvenih činjenica. Kroz radnju će vam se neki likovi svidjeti i jedva ćete čekati da se kotač ponovno zaustavi na njihovoj priči. Naravno, bit će i onih koji vam se nikako neće svidjeti, ali u konačnici su vam predstavljeni kako biste shvatili da svi imamo srce i dušu.

I koliko god da sam bila skeptična oko čitanja njegove druge, u našim predjelima nedavno objavljene knjige Putnici, toliko sada jedva čekam krenuti čitati. Vjerujem kako sam sa Onim pravim zagrebala površinu, a da me zapravo ona prava stvar čeka otkrivanjem priče unutar Putnika.
Do iduće objave,
Voli vas vaša Goga
My rating: 4/5
Goodreads rating: 4.12 / 5
Publisher: Fokus
Is there a person who we can call the one? Is it possible to reach this with science and a mysterious formula? How would you act if you would be given the opportunity to find out who your soulmate is? To confirm what you have been feeling all your life or to let go of everything you have and follow that one person that science has predestined for you?
Through the plot, we follow a range of different personalities and life scenarios - from a person traveling to the other side of the world to meet his soulmate, from a chronic workaholic who sees nothing but work in life, from a man whose life is destined for a man to a woman who falls in love with a man who is kept alive by life support appliances.
They all have their lives, their struggles and their pleasures. Everyone has something that bothers and hurts them, but also makes them happy and fulfilling. By entering the world of DNA testing to discover a soulmate, their lives take a new turn - one in the direction of curiosity and discovering whether the person whose molecules have merged with theirs is truly the right person we all aspire to in life.
Different personalities, different color palettes that come from each of them, and the story is so interesting that you can't let it go. It gently lulls you in and lets you discover how each character wriggles into a new reality, into which they have been inserted by a simple yet revolutionary formula.
The only thing I somehow miss is some fiercer action, a lightning plot of the story. Because I like to be preoccupied with the action and keep myself in a convulsion until I find out what it’s all about. But not every book can be the way I imagined it. And I really enjoyed reading it immensely because I have never encountered such an action and such an idea of understanding life.
In parallel, I started thinking about what would happen if such a scenario were possible. Would we dare to take the test, even if it meant a 360-degree turn in life? To destroy everything that has been agreed upon for years and on whose foundations love was created? To leave a person you know in your soul for someone whom science has predestined for you, and whom you have never seen and met in your life? Or everything would stay the same in case you already found your soulmate?
With this magical formula, the mystery of discovering another person, gradually getting to know each other and those small and sweet steps that, in the end, lead to what is destined for you, is lost.
As interesting as it sounds, I doubt I would have dared to do it myself. I like to feel some security in life, with as little trembling as possible. I don't like to be bothered by everyday life - I like my comfort zone, which I voluntarily occasionally shake. In parallel, I believe that I have found my soulmate and that I do not need science to say what and how to proceed. I believe that we are still able to come across with the right one in the whole world, and that science should not interfere in that part of human nature and intimacy.
Besides, when I think about it now, why does it have to be a person? What if you go for testing and it turns out you don’t have a soulmate in the form of a human but something else? In addition, why does this topic have to be related to physical love for a person? A soulmate can also manifest in the form of the same life interests and attitudes, perhaps in a form of love towards food and travel? With a person you love more than anything in life you can do everything, but for example, you can’t travel because that person prefers to be in one place. But that’s why you’ve found someone who’s otherwise okay with you, you don’t have love feelings, but that person is your soulmate when it comes to travel. Maybe you share love based on passion for painting? Cycling? Food? Life passions and attitudes? You need to look at the whole picture, outside the given framework, and not be guided only by what someone has put in focus.
As for the book The One, I will not go into it too deep, but I would recommend you to read it. It really surprised me and I can’t say I felt bad while reading it. It is not tedious nor does the author go on with too much explanation of unnecessary and scientific facts. Throughout the plot you will like some of the characters and you can’t wait for the wheel to stop again at their story. Of course, there will be those who you will not like at all, but they are ultimately presented to you to understand that we all have a heart and soul.

And as much as I was skeptical about reading his second book, The Passengers, which is only recently published in our region, I can't wait to start reading it. I believe that I have scratched the surface with The One, and that in fact the real thing awaits me by revealing the story within The Passengers.
Until the next post,
Your Goga loves you