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Trilogija Magle - Carlos Ruiz Zafon (HRV & ENG)

Writer's picture: GogaGoga

Moja ocjena: 4 / 5

Goodreads ocjena: 3,74 / 5

Izdavač: Fraktura publika

Tokom života susrećete se s raznim autorima, od kojih samo neki dirnu u srce, izmame osmijeh kada ugledate njihovu knjigu ili rado povedete razgovor na temu samog autora ili nekog omiljenog djela.

Svi vi, koji pratite moj rad, shvaćate kako je meni jedan od tih autora upravo Zafon. Koja je to izvanredna osoba, to možete shvatiti jedino čitajući njegova djela te upijajući tu predivnu magiju kojom odiše svaka knjiga. A u okviru objava na blogu, materijala za motivaciju vam nikako ne bi smjelo nedostajati. :)

Stoga vam u nastavku donosim sažetak njegove Trilogije magle - sadržane od Princa magle, Ponoćne palače i Rujanskih svjetla.

Princ magle

Moja ocjena: 4 / 5

Goodreads ocjena: 3,77 / 5

Izdavač: Fraktura publika

"Dok Drugi svjetski rat hara Europom, ekscentrični urar i izumitelj, otac glavnog junaka Maxa Carvera, odluči preseliti svoju obitelj iz grada u maleno mjesto na obali. Ali tek što su stigli, počinju iskrsavati čudnovate i neobične stvari. Max otkriva vrt prepun jezovitih kipova, njegovu mlađu sestru opsjedaju zastrašujući glasovi, a kutija starih obiteljskih filmova otvara prozor u prošlost.

Najviše ih uznemiruju glasine o prvim vlasnicima kuće, čiji je sin misteriozno nestao. Kada Max, njegova starija sestra Alicia i njihov novi prijatelj Roland odluče istražiti prošlost, otkrivaju strašnu priču o Princu Magle, čija sjena izlazi noću da poravna stare račune, a nestaje s prvim svitanjem...

Princ Magle prvi je majstorski roman Carlosa Ruiza Zafóna, neodoljiva tajnovita priča prepuna romantike i avanture."

Strahom izmiješanim sa mistikom i borbom za život te isprepleten motivima ljubavi, Princ magle predstavlja roman koji ćete čitati u jednom dahu. Tako da vam je moj savjet samo jedan i to jednostavan: pročitajte!

Ponoćna palača

Moja ocjena: 3 / 5

Goodreads ocjena: 3,63 / 5

Izdavač: Fraktura publika

"U drugom dijelu svoje svjetski poznate Trilogije magle Carlos Ruiz Zafón vodi nas u tridesete godine prošlog stoljeća, u Calcuttu, u srce tame.

Godine 1916. u mračnoj i kišnoj noći Calcutte sudbina je razdvojila živote dvoje djece, blizanaca Bena i Sheere. Od njihova nemilosrdnog progonitelja i grupe plaćenih ubojica spasit će ih mladi britanski časnik, no cijena koju će za to platiti bit će velika: njegov život.

Šesnaest godina poslije, kada se kao neznanci sretnu u Ponoćnoj palači, svatko sa svojim snom o budućnosti, Ben i Sheere i ne slute koliko su povezani, kao ni to da demon Calcutte dolazi naplatiti svoj stari dug. A kada otkriju prve dvije tajne, saznat će i da ih ovaj put ne namjerava pustiti tako lako.

Uz pomoć vjernih prijatelja, članova tajnoga društva Chowbar, brat i sestra suočit će se sa zagonetkama i užasom koji vrebaju u sjenama Grada palačâ, pružajući Carlosu Ruizu Zafónu priliku da ispiše stranice koje će još jednom oduševiti kako mlađe tako i starije njegove čitatelje."

Drugi dio Trilogije pomalo mi je naporan, a koliko vidim prema Goodreads ocjenama, i drugi su osjetili isto. Čitajući, samo sam pogledavala gdje se nalazi završetak jednog poglavlja i gdje počinje iduće. Sama je tematika općenito zanimljiva, ali mi je razrješenje radnje pomalo nelogično i prebrzo. Kao da mu se žurilo završiti priču. Ipak, vrijedi pročitati. :)

Rujanska svjetla

Moja ocjena: 5 / 5

Goodreads ocjena: 3,82 / 5

Izdavač: Fraktura publika

"Irene i Ismaela zauvijek je spojilo jedno čarobno ljeto, koje im je u živote donijelo svjetlo, i jedna jesen, s kojom su prvi put saznali što sve u sebi može kriti tama.

Kad njezina majka dobije posao domaćice u osamljenoj vili tajanstvenog proizvođača igračaka, gospodina Lazarusa, čini se da za četrnaestogodišnju Irene počinje bolji život. Obala Normandije, čarobna Plava uvala, idilično seoce, a ponajviše tihi mladić Ismael, s kojim će broditi na njegovoj jedrilici – sve to obećava ljeto iz snova. Ali svako ljeto ima svoje tajne, a ona koju će Irene otkriti na otočiću sa svjetionikom, nju i njezine najmilije odvest će na putovanje po labirintu punom sjena i opasnosti.

Mehaničke igračke koje kriju tajnu prošlosti i budućnosti, misteriozna svjetla koja probadaju maglu oko svjetionika, biće iz noćnih mora koje se krije u dubini šume što okružuje vilu Cravenmoore – i dvoje mladih koji otkrivaju svijet – sve to ispreplest će se u završnom dijelu svjetski poznate Trilogije magle, u još jednoj uzbudljivoj avanturi iz pera majstora Carlosa Ruiza Zafóna."

Završetak trilogije, završetak mojeg iščitavanja svega što je ikad napisao i izmamljene suze prolaskom kroz posljednje riječi. Ova me se priča najviše dojmila i najviše svidjela od svih pripadnica Trilogije. Radnja je odlično zamišljena, konstruirana brojnim zapletima, neočekivanim situacijama te prožeta enormnom količinom zastrašujućih trenutaka. Ljubav je toliko opipljiva i toliko bolna, da jednostavno ne možete ostati hladni. Ovu vam priču najviše preporučam da pročitate.


Kroz čitavu Trilogiju uistinu osjećate kako se zapravo radi o Zafonovim začecima - kako se radi o vremenu prije Sjene vjetra odnosno Tetralogije Groblja zaboravljenih knjiga. O mladom Zafonu koji će svoj sjaj osjetiti tek u godinama koje slijede. Ali o onom Zafonu koji je već unaprijed znao što želi postići svojim radom.

Nakon pročitane zadnje stranice koju je ikad napisao, nakon svega što sam kroz njegove oči upoznala, ne mogu reći da se tokom života neću ponovno upustiti u taj fantazmagoričan (ta mi je riječ apsolutno otkriće) svijet u kojemu on živi.

Zafon je majstor pripovijedanja, majstor držanja čitatelja u šaci - bilo da se radi o nekoj sablasti koja proviruje iz dubina ili o enormnoj količini ljubavi koju želi ispustiti u svijet. On ima moć utjerivanja straha u kosti svojim kipovima i anđelima, napuštenim kućama ili morskim dubinama. Ali ima i moć izmamljivanja suza te osmijeha na lice u iznimno emotivnim trenucima između dvoje zaljubljenih.

I upravo ga zbog toga držim bok uz bok sa omiljenom mi Zagorkom - zauvijek.

Do iduće objave,

Voli vas vaša Goga


My rating: 4 / 5

Goodreads rating: 3.74 / 5

Publisher: Fraktura publika

During life, you meet various authors, only some of whom touch your heart, make you smile when you see their book or makes you happy to start a conversation about the author himself or your favorite book.

All of you, who follow my work, understand that for me one of those authors is precisely Zafon. What an extraordinary person he is, you can understand only by reading his books and absorbing the wonderful magic that every book exudes.

So below I bring you a summary of his Trilogy of the Mist - comprised of The Prince of Mist, The Midnight Palace and The Watcher in the Shadows.

The Prince of Mist

My rating: 4 / 5

Goodreads rating: 3.77 / 5

Publisher: Fraktura publika

"While World War II is ravaging Europe, an eccentric watchmaker and inventor, the father of the main character Max Carver, decides to move his family from the city to a small town on the coast. But as soon as they arrive, strange and unusual things begin to appear. Max discovers a garden full of eerie statues, his younger sister is haunted by terrifying voices, and a box of old family movies opens a window into the past.

They are most disturbed by rumors about the first owners of the house, whose son has mysteriously disappeared. When Max, his older sister Alicia and their new friend Roland decide to explore the past, they discover the terrible story of the Prince of Mist, whose shadow comes out at night to settle old scores, and disappears at the first dawn...

The Prince of Mist is the first masterful novel by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, an irresistible mystery story full of romance and adventure."

Fear mixed with mysticism, the struggle for life, and interwoven with motifs of love, Prince of the Mist is a novel that you will read in one sitting. So my advice to you is just one and simple: read it!

The Midnight Palace

My rating: 3 / 5

Goodreads rating: 3.63 / 5

Publisher: Fraktura publika

"In the second part of his world-famous Trilogy of the Mist, Carlos Ruiz Zafón takes us to the thirties of the last century, to Calcutta, to the heart of darkness.

In 1916, on a dark and rainy Calcutta night, fate separated the lives of two children, twins Ben and Sheere. A young British officer will save them from their relentless pursuer and a group of hired killers, but the price they will pay for it will be high: his life.

Sixteen years later, when they meet as strangers in the Midnight Palace, each with his own dream of the future, Ben and Sheere have no idea how connected they are, nor that the demon of Calcutta is coming to collect his old debt. And when they discover the first two secrets, they will also find out that this time he does not intend to let them go so easily.

With the help of loyal friends, members of the secret society Chowbar, the brother and sister will face the riddles and horrors that lurk in the shadows of the City of Palaces, giving Carlos Ruiz Zafón the opportunity to write pages that will once again delight both his younger and older readers."

The second part of the Trilogy is a bit tiring for me, and as far as I can see from the Goodreads ratings, others felt the same. While reading, I was just looking at where the end of one chapter was and where the next one began. The topic itself is generally interesting, but I find the resolution of the plot a bit illogical and too fast. It was as if he was in a hurry to finish the story. Still, it's worth a read. :)

The Watcher in the Shadows

My rating: 5 / 5

Goodreads rating: 3.82 / 5

Publisher: Fraktura publika

"Irene and Ismael were forever united by one magical summer, which brought light into their lives, and one autumn, with which they learned for the first time what darkness can hide within themselves.

When her mother gets a job as a housekeeper in the secluded mansion of a mysterious toy manufacturer, Mr. Lazarus, it seems that a better life is about to begin for fourteen-year-old Irene. The coast of Normandy, the magical Blue Bay, the idyllic countryside, and most of all the quiet young man Ismael, with whom she will sail on his sailboat - all this promises a dream summer. But every summer has its secrets, and the one Irene will discover on the island with the lighthouse will take her and her loved ones on a journey through a labyrinth full of shadows and dangers.

Mechanical toys that hide the secret of the past and the future, mysterious lights that pierce the fog around the lighthouse, a creature from nightmares that hides in the depths of the forest that surrounds the Cravenmoore mansion - and two young people who discover the world - all this will be intertwined in the final part of the world-famous Trilogy of the Mist, in another exciting adventure from the pen of master Carlos Ruiz Zafón."

The end of the Trilogy, the end of my reading of everything he's ever written and being brought to tears by going through the last words. I was impressed and liked this story the most out of all the members of the Trilogy. The story is well conceived, constructed with numerous plots, unexpected situations and permeated with an enormous amount of terrifying moments. Love is so palpable and so painful, you just can't keep your cool. I highly recommend you to read this story.


Throughout the entire Trilogy, you truly feel that it is actually about Zafon's beginnings - that it is about the time before The Shadow of the Wind, that is, The Graveyard of Forgotten Books Tetralogy. About young Zafon, who will feel his brilliance only in the years to come. But about that Zafon who already knew in advance what he wanted to achieve with his work.

After reading the last page that he ever wrote, after everything that I got to know through his eyes, I can't say that during my life I won't venture again into that phantasmagoric (that word is an absolute revelation to me) world in which he lives.

Zafon is a master of storytelling, a master of holding the reader in his hands - whether it's about some specter peeking out from the depths or the enormous amount of love he wants to release into the world. He has the power to strike fear into the bones with his statues and angels, abandoned houses or the depths of the sea. But he also has the power to bring tears and smiles on your face in extremely emotional moments between two lovers.

And that's exactly why I keep him side by side with my favorite Zagorka - forever.

Until the next post,

Your Goga loves you

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