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Writer's pictureGoga

Putnici - John Marrs (HRV & ENG)

Moja ocjena: 5 / 5

Goodreads ocjena: 4,08 / 5

Izdavač: Fokus komunikacije (Fokus na hit)

Jutro je. Pijete svoju jutarnju kavu i spremate se za posao. U glavi vrtite kotač briga i obaveza koje vas čekaju u danu te svega što bi vas još moglo dočekati. Uzimate stvari i izlazite iz kuće. Prelijepo je jutro, ali vi to ne primjećujete. Ne vidite sunčeve zrake kako se sramežljivo iskradaju na površinu travnjaka i obasjavaju vam kuću. Ne čujete predivan pjev ptičica koje pozdravljaju novi dan. Ne vidite susjeda koji vam maše netom uzetim novinama. Duboko uzimate dah i ulazite u svoj moderni, novi automobil. Ne morate ništa reći. Automobil svojim skenirajućim mehanizmom dobiva informaciju da se približava vlasnik-vozač te, uvidom u kalendar, zna da je vrijeme za krenuti na posao. Sjedate na udobno sjedalo i ostavljate stvari kraj sebe. Vrata se zatvaraju. Začuje se zvuk uključivanja automobila te lagano kretanje.

A tada se sve mijenja...

Odjednom shvatite kako ne putujete u smjeru u kojem biste se trebali kretati. Zvuk koji vam inače želi dobrodošlicu sada nije taj isti. A pred vama se otkriva slika unutrašnjosti automobila još nekoliko ljudi - u panici, izbezumljenih, prestravljenih. Glas govori kako imate još samo nekoliko sati života, ukoliko neka druga strana ne ispuni zadane uvjete.

I osjećate kako se u vama budi isti osjećaj panike, kao i kod drugih lica predstavljenih na ekranu automobila.

Ovim sam vam uvodom htjela dati mali uvid u fenomenalnu knjigu "Putnici", autora Johna Marrsa. S njime smo se već zapravo susreli čitajući knjigu (i pripadajuću recenziju, naravno) pod nazivom "Onaj Pravi".

Već znate koliko mi se svidjela prva pročitana knjiga i koliko sam vam ju preporučivala, a za ovu vam ne mogu reći ništa manje niti išta lošije, osim da je odlična te da morate i nju pročitati.


Ako ste možda propustili, recenziju na temu knjige "Onaj pravi", autora Johna Marrsa, možete pronaći na slijedećem linku:


Obožavam tematiku koja nam je, kroz ovu fenomenalnu knjigu, predstavljena. Pratiti nekoliko različitih ličnosti, otkrivati njihove najmračnije tajne i dobiti šamar posred lica, kada shvatite o čemu se tu uistinu radi te kakva se priča krije u pozadini iste, nešto je u čemu sam uistinu uživala.

Knjiga vas drži čitavim putem zatočenika modernog svijeta u iščekivanju, grču i potpunoj neizvjesnosti. Pratite te ljude zatočene u automobilima, suosjećate s njima i nadate se da će svi preživjeti. Istovremeno se pitate kako netko može biti toliko okrutan te se, na takav način, igrati s tuđim životima.

Unatoč tematici i povremenoj težini situacije te činjenici da se pojedinac igra sa tuđim životima i da bih trebala biti apsolutno prestravljena, ne postoji niti jedan segment priče koji mi se nije svidio. Istina, pojavljuju se brojne bolne i teške scene koje nije lako progutati, ali ako gledam iz perspektive nečeg imaginarnog, nečega što se nije u stvarnosti dogodilo, priča je fenomenalna.

Što se tiče autonomnosti automobila, budućnost nam je takva da ćemo svi kad tad morati imati autonomno vozilo, samo takva budućnost donosi brojne rizike. Dio njih prikazan je kroz radnju knjige, dok istovremeno daje pregršt materijala za razmišljanje.

Paralelno, uz autonomnost vozila, kroz priču se provlači i pojam hakerstva odnosno mogućnosti da se otkriju najmračnije tajne svakog pojedinca koji je ikad zabilježen u nekom računalu. Kako god bilo, mogućnost da se zaviri u nečiju privatnost budi strah te potiče pitanja jesmo li uopće sigurni u širokim bespućima interneta? A s druge strane, nismo li si sami krivi što smo dio sebe stavili na milost i nemilost internetu?

Sagledana općenito, ovo je jedna jako zanimljiva, kvalitetna, nadasve odlična i napeta priča. Drži vas uza se od početka do kraja i ne da vam da ju pustite sve dok ne okrenete posljednju stranicu. Ne sjećam se više koliko mi je trebalo da ju pročitam, ali svjesna sam da je zadnja strana došla uistinu brzo.

Stoga, ako se radi o temi koja bi vas mogla zanimati, slobodno se bacite u te predjele i uživajte u autonomnosti automobila, strahu pojedinca i borbi za preživljavanje.

Do iduće objave,

Voli vas vaša Goga


My rating: 5 / 5

Goodreads rating: 4.08 / 5

Publisher: Fokus komunikacije (Fokus na hit)

It's morning. You drink your morning coffee and get ready for work. In your head, you spin the wheel of worries and obligations that await you in the day and everything else that could possibly await. You take your things and leave the house. It's a beautiful morning, but you don't notice it. You don't see the sun's rays sneaking shyly to the surface of the lawn and illuminating your house. You don't hear the beautiful song of the birds that greet the new day. You don't see your neighbor waving to you with the newspaper he just picked up. You take a deep breath and get into your modern, new car. You don't have to say anything. With its scanning mechanism, the car receives information that the owner-driver is approaching and, by looking at the calendar, knows that it is time to go to work. You sit on a comfortable seat and leave things next to you. The door is closing. You can hear the sound of the car turning on and a slight movement.

And then everything changes...

You suddenly realize that you are not traveling in the direction you should be traveling. The sound that normally welcomes you is now not the same. And in front of you - the image of the interior of the car of several more people is revealed - in a panic, distraught, terrified. The voice says that you only have a few hours left to live, unless some other party fulfils the given conditions.

And you feel the same sense of panic rising inside you, as with the other faces presented on the car screen.

With this introduction, I wanted to give you a little insight into the phenomenal book "The Passengers", authored by John Marrs. We actually met him already while reading the book (and the related review, of course) called "The One".

You already know how much I liked the first book I read and how much I recommended it to you, and I can't say anything less or worse about this one, except that it's great and you have to read it too.


If you may have missed it, you can find a review of the book "The Right One" by John Marrs at the following link:


I love the topic presented to us through this phenomenal book. Following several different personalities, discovering their darkest secrets and getting slapped in the face, when you understand what it's really about and what kind of story is hidden behind it, is something I really enjoyed.

The book keeps you cramping and in complete suspense throughout the journey of a prisoner of the modern world. You follow these people trapped in their cars, you sympathize with them and hope that they all survive. At the same time, you wonder how someone can be so cruel and play with other people's lives in such a way.

Despite the subject matter and occasional gravity of the situation and the fact that an individual is playing with other people's lives and that I should be absolutely terrified, there is not a single segment of the story that I did not like. True, there are many painful and difficult scenes that are not easy to swallow, but if I look at it from the perspective of something imaginary, something that did not actually happen, the story is phenomenal.

As for car autonomy, our future is such that we will all have to have an autonomous vehicle at some point, only such a future brings numerous risks. Some of them are shown through the plot of the book, while at the same time providing a handful of material for thinking.

In parallel, with the autonomy of the vehicles, the concept of hacking runs through the story, i.e. the possibility to discover the darkest secrets of every individual that has ever been recorded in a computer. Be that as it may, the possibility of peeking into someone's privacy arouses fear and prompts the question of whether we are even safe in the vast expanses of the Internet? And on the other hand, aren't we to blame for putting a part of ourselves at the mercy of the internet?

Seen in general, this is a very interesting, high-quality, above all excellent and tense story. It holds you close from the beginning to the end and won't let you go until you turn the last page. I don't remember how long it took me to read it, but I am aware that the last page came really quickly.

Therefore, if it is a topic that might interest you, feel free to throw yourself into those areas and enjoy the autonomy of the cars, the fear of the individual and the struggle for survival.

Until the next post,

Your Goga loves you

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